Fat, 50+ and Fearful

So, at 51 years old and having always been overweight, here I am again. I’m sure some can relate.

I’ve, like you, have got a lot on my plate. Mom, wife, student, etc. I’ve got 2 teen boys, one is a special needs child which is where the fearful comes in.

I worry about my health because I have to take care of him. I worry about his health, because between meds and his food choices he’s not on a healthy path.

I’m looking, hoping, to find others like me that “get it” that can understand and relate to all this - not for the purpose of discussing or venting, but just to know that those obstacles are there. I’m hoping to connect to a couple people so we can check in on each other, support and maybe, just maybe help each other over obstacles toward better habits.



  • jschmidt4021
    jschmidt4021 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi badjenetix,

    I just turned 60 and can can totally relate to your situation. I definitely "get it". The older we get the harder it is to take the weight off. I have always been over weight in my eyes. I did loose over a 100 lbs back in my early 30's by eating clean and walking everywhere I went. Unfortunately when menopause hit I put all the weight back on. I have been struggling ever since to take the weight off again.

    I became a family caregiver 7 years ago, taking care of my mother who had cancer and my sister who has special needs. Our mother passed in 2017 but my sister still lives with me who care for. The stress alone has derailed me from loosing any weight.

    I became very sick this past August from health complications which had me down for over 2 months. This was a wake-up call that really scared me, so here I am back on MFP. This time I am really focusing on a Keto life style taking it slow and starting with my eating habits first. :)

  • badjenetix
    badjenetix Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Janet - I “see you”, I get it. Hopefully we can touch base now and again and check on each other. The challenges we face are similar - just know you’re not alone. I’m over here this morning, scraped together some change and thought I’d pop up to the bakery for ‘just one croissant’ - yeah that would be the start of the “will i blew it already, may as well start again tomorrow’. Happily I recognized it quickly, fixed a single scrambled egg on an english muffin with a touch of vegan butter and 16 oz of water and right now I’m not hungry...

    How’s your day going??
  • jschmidt4021
    jschmidt4021 Posts: 2 Member
    My weekends are spent doing laundry. I always feel so rushed and stressed over getting everything done for the day. I never seem to be able to find the time for my self on the weekends. I'm now just trying to get some breakfast for myself. At least I got one cup of coffee down this morning. I have a tendency not to eat during the day and eat all my calories at night when my caregiving duties are over for the day. This is a big problem for me and something I need to work on correcting.

    Thank you for the friend request, accepted! Message me any time. It's always nice to know that you are not alone in this journey. :)
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Ladies, please remember you can’t take care of anyone else until you take care of yourself first.
    I know, easier said than done.
    Remember on an airplane they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on before you put your child’s on?
    Please remember to feed your own bodies so they will have the strength and health to care for your loved ones.

    Quick and easy have-ready take-along snacks.
    Hard cooked eggs
    String cheese or pre cut cheese chunks
    Nuts occasionally (healthy, high calorie?)
    Snack baggy of grapes, cut up veggies

    Quick and easy cooks.
    Microwave potato
    Instant oatmeal

    Add your own ideas and put the list on the fridge, so you always know what you can do quick and easy, even when you’re too tired to even think.
  • elfin168
    elfin168 Posts: 202 Member
    edited November 2019
    Hi there. I would suggest considering this a lifestyle change not a diet. If your aim is to be healthier perhaps eat healthier and include some exercise. You can be overweight and healthier or overweight and unhealthy. My healthy things that I did today was to take my daughter for a short evening walk after dinner and to add an extra item to my days food intake cos I was very hungry and tired.
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    Hey there! I put on a bunch of weight after my divorce. It was hell. And I have permanent nerve damage in my foot which keeps me from being too active. I am 46 and I despair that I won't lose anything, but I have found a path that works for me (i'm not selling anything) so I'm sticking to it. I started to get really uncomfortable in my body and was starting to get rashes between my fat rolls and decided enough is enough. I stuck out a plateau that lasted 11 days but now my body seems to understand that I'm serious. It's hard and I'm hungry sometimes. But it's better than greasing my fat rolls. That's my motivation but I'd like some actual people and positive reinforcement! :) 90 lbs to go....
  • badjenetix
    badjenetix Posts: 4 Member
    Corinasue1143 , elfin168 , stacivogue - thanks you all for your input and encouragement.
  • bobshuckleberry
    bobshuckleberry Posts: 281 Member
    Send me a friend request. I understand completely. I work full time and do side jobs. I bought a fixer upper that has turned out to be more fixer than upper. I have a 31 year old step son with bipolar with psychosis and though is not living with us right now (I am sure he will again) he is dependent on us for rides and such as he has no license. There is always worry there and fear...for him and our relationship dealing with his needs.
    My husband's income was reduced half about a year ago. I had to quit crossfit a few months ago and am having a difficult time finding something to do in its stead that did as much for me as crossfit did. I have not gained since I had to leave the gym, but I am fluffier and I am sure weight will follow if I do not get ahead of it. Okay that was probably tmi, but you get the picture.