Does anyone have any recipe ideas?!

I normally eat the same thing everyday for breakfast lunch and dinner.. normally plain oatmeal or eggs whites, a sandwhich or soup, and chicken with either veggies or brown rice... does anyone have any ideas on some other healthy meal options?! I hate to cook and dont have much time either with being a full time mommy and student.. so the easier and simple the recipe is the better! I just need more of a variety to keep me interested in eating good!


  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Look at other people's diaries, they're a great source of inspiration!
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    Go to I think you will absolutely LOVE it!!!! Also try Shiritaki noodles ZERO calories (the one's WITHOUT Tofu) those are 20 calories. They soak up whatever flavor you cook them with. You can use them as a pasta or in a stir fry. A friend of mine used them with bok choi, shrimp, brown spicy mustard, garlic & a sauce similar to soy sauce found at Trader Joes & total 84 calories. Yummy too.
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 326 Member
    Options has the best recipes ever! And they're all "healthified" so they're your favorite foods with a healthy twist! Amazing.
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    do you have a crockpot? I love it!
    stick a chicken breast or two in there, pour in a bottle of reduced fat bbq sauce, and let it cook for a few hours. shred when done and let it cook another 15 min. put it on a wholewheat bun and voila!

    do you have a GF? if so, season chicken breast/salmon/fish, stick it on there. while it's cooking, cook up some couscous with some sauteed onion/garlic/tomatoe paste...steam some veggies...should all take about 15 min

    sautee some onion/tomatoe/garlic/spinach leaves...add scrambled eggs and cook together..put it on Thomas english toast, add a slice of ham, some reduced fat mozz cheese, a slice of tomatoe and put in the toaster oven..whole thing takes less than 10 minutes to make...great breakfast and keeps you full...

    message me if you need any more ideas :)

    and I'd check out
    love that website!
  • Anastarr
    Add Splenda and fruit like blueberries strawberries for crying out loud girl lol... The last thing you want is to get bored then you will fall off bad even portion out sugar on your measuring spoons if need be honey.
  • zoeysmom01
    zoeysmom01 Posts: 38 Member
    Since I am cutting carbs more than fat, I like to take 2 slices of oven broiled bacon and tomato slices wrapped in an outer romaine lettuce leaf. It tastes good and the protien and fat keep me going longer than oatmeal.
  • ajfranzen77
    Lean cuisines and smart ones are tasty. I also make pizza out of soft tacos. If you want my recipes send me a message. I also make chicken in a crock pot with green chillies! So good!!!
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I put sliced turkey in pita pockets for a different take on a sandwich. I, also, fill it up with veggies, whatever I have at the moment. Pita is only 60 calories.

    I make brown rice, sauteed with onions, bell peppers, celery, etc, then put in rice and water. When rice is tender add a can of stewed tomatoes. I use it to stuff bell peppers, or to just eat with crackers,

    Blue Bell has some yummy fruit bars that are only 70 calories. Yummy dessert.

    Mix peanut butter with oatmeal and a bit of syrup, Eats like granola.

    I boil eggs on Sunday so they are ready all week to just grab and go. Make an egg salad with reduced mayo and put in the pita pocket.

    I love cottage cheese mixed with fruit. It's fast!!

    Also, use flat bread (100 calories) with siced turkey and a squirt of Ranch dressing. Roll it up and makes a quick sandwich to eat on the go.

    Golden potatoes ....boil and eat. Doesn't take long to cook.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Check the recipe section of MFP ;)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Options has some great recipes. I'm trying Crockpot chicken taco chili tonight!
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
  • akane1087
    Thanks everyone! I am loving the skinnytaste website!!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Salmon or Tilapia. You can get the frozen ones by Gorton's (Although fresh is better), they can be nuked in 5 minutes.