HELP!! sorry if TMI!! difficulty with bowels



  • phlumpet
    phlumpet Posts: 106 Member
    One thing I know has worked for a friend who struggled with constipation: first thing when you get up early in the morning, at least an hour before breakfast, drink 3-4 glasses of water. You can sit on the toilet for a while, she used to do it while she would drink the water. Or, I like to just go back to bed. The timing of when you drink water is important.

    What is your main source of fiber? Is it just fiber supplements? Try experimenting with different sources of fiber, like whole grains, flax, lots of veggies and prunes (my favorite BTW are D'Noir prunes - and I don't like prunes). Also, don't forget the soluble fiber, which although it doesn't add bulk will help your good bacteria in your GI tract, boost immune function, decrease blood lipid (fat) levels and help regulate blood sugar for the diabetics out there. (Beans: a magical fruit. Also try oatmeal and anything with inulin.)

    I forgot - aloe juice is supposed to work as a good laxative, but it seems gross to me.
  • leanne2376
    leanne2376 Posts: 217
    go to the doctor
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    go to the doctor


    why would you seek medical advice on a forum? there could be something medically wrong that needs addressing
  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    Too much fiber! Take 1 tbsp. olive oil in juice or something before bedtime. It'll help move the fiber through. Cut your fiber intake in half -- more is not necessarily better.

    I have the same issue when I overeat heavy fiber. Now, I eat about 15 grams per day and everything works fine.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    go to the doctor


    why would you seek medical advice on a forum? there could be something medically wrong that needs addressing

    I am not seeking medical advice here, I am asking others what works for them. and I have seen a doctor and their advice is not working!
  • Might you be eating too little fat? You need some fat to assist with...movement.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    go to the doctor


    why would you seek medical advice on a forum? there could be something medically wrong that needs addressing

    I am not seeking medical advice here, I am asking others what works for them. and I have seen a doctor and their advice is not working!

    it's not sarcy, it's advice with concerns about your medical health at the heart of it (never heard of snarky, nor has google, so guessing that's what you meant)

    if the doctor's advice didn't work first time, go back and tell them it didn't work

    if you want to try people's suggestions, maybe they'll work, or maybe, they'll mask a genuine medical problem
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I also agree with the olive oil!
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    Do you ever use Metamucil? I try to take the amount recommended for lowering cholesterol. You are supposed to have three teaspoons three times a day. It makes the drink very thick. No worry about getting dependent because you can take it the rest of your life to help lower the cholestrol. I have also tried the clearly fibre stuff that doesn't thicken and you can mix with anything- it really worked well.
  • hkopacz
    hkopacz Posts: 15
    I didn't read all the post so sorry if someone already said this :o).
    Are you eating enough dark greens? I know the more dark greens i eat the better i go. also, are you eating enough. i have a friend that wants to lose weight but she does it by almost starving herself. then she goes like a rabbit. and my son had problems because he was eating to much sugar. the dr told him to lay off some of the sweets and it improved his bms a lot. and like some of the others said, drink some prune juice and keep some prunes on hand. oh, drinking hot liquid can help move things along too (you can even heat the prune juice up). hope you feel better soon.
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    I have had the same problem for so many years, I have tried it all.... I started just cutting out BREAD & WHITE PASTA it helps me. I am a very big bread person. At work some times I will crave a bagel and eat it knowing that no pooping for me for sometimes 2 days, the pay for loving bread :sad Changed to whole wheat but still have to watch it. you can friend me we can talk
  • NOLA_Meg
    NOLA_Meg Posts: 194 Member
    You could try dulcolax- it's a non-stiumlant for women and it's effective. Also, Miralax is also effective. If those don't work try a stool softener. Don't be afraid of over-the-counter solutions, while teas and olive oil can work, sometimes you need something proven to work, especially now that you are going over four days, you want to find something that works before you need an enema or stronger medicines.
  • NOLA_Meg
    NOLA_Meg Posts: 194 Member
    Sorry, you didn't say 4 days, I made that up I guess.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Caffeine is a stimulant (including stimulating your digestive tract) - try a cup of coffee.
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    I have GI Problems as well, some times I look three months pregnant. : ( My personal experience with this; (...and by no means am I a Professional GI specialist) but I had a Doctor tell me once....that things like fiber tablets and supplements and even some foods that are packed with fiber actually cause more gas and bloating in SOME cases rather than moving the waste out of your bowels.

    I was told to try stool softeners like Docusate Sodium and it seems to help me out a bunch. It is non stimulating so there is no pain with results. Just remember that this is a temporary fix. If it persist your doctor could put you on an array of balanced stool softeners and stimulants or may even give you a written "Bowel Protocol" (a plan for when this happens).
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Caffeine is a stimulant (including stimulating your digestive tract) - try a cup of coffee.


    I have mild GI issues...usually on the weekends when I am off my routine. I drink coffee everyday at work but don't usually take the time to make it on the weekends. I rarely "go" on the weekends and get bloated. Monday mornings within 20 minutes of having my first (of 2) cup of coffee I am in the bathroom!
  • Sounds like you are intolerant to some type of food. Most common is gluten, whey, soy and lactose. I had all of these symptoms for years before a family member was diagnosed with Celiacs disease. After reading the symptoms, I was text book for gluten intolerant. I pulled it out of my diet and within DAYS I felt like a new person. There is a gluten free forum on MFP or you can search the web for food intolerance. Unfortunately, medicine today cannot do much for food intolerance and a lot of doctors are not well educated on the subject. Try to get these things out of your diet one at a time, see if you feel better, put it back in and see if the problems come back. Your symptoms are not normal and I don't think all the fiber in the world will fix it. Also, remember fiber is to bulk the stool; it will not make the bowels move faster or more often just more efficient. Good luck!
  • Do you get enough fat in your diet? I agree, try the olive oil, also magnesium tablets, probiotics, and stool softeners. I do olive, fish, and flaxseed oil and probiotics on a daily basis, the others as needed. Also, do you take calcium supplements? Many of them are constipating.
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    I have IBS and I use miralax or metamucil clear. You may not want a laxative, but sometimes you just need to be cleaned out. Are there any foods that couse you to have diarrhea? You can try eating those. I good spicy salsa helps me move. Maybe a jalapeno pizza? Good luck!
  • zoeysmom01
    zoeysmom01 Posts: 38 Member
    I used to have a problem with not going daily. I feel better if I go daily and so I use MagO7 at night. I get it at the health food store. I find that I do need to take 2 at night before bedtime. I RARELY get intestinal distress from this. Or, you may want to take a magnesium drink in the am. There are some powders (flavored and non-flavored) that are also at health food stores. You mix with a little hot water then drink hot or cool with ice and drink warm or even cold. This will also help. Plus the magnesium will be good for your entire system.