Starvation Mode

Has anyone ever actually experienced it?! Just curious.. If so, how long did it take to get to starvation mode and what did you feel like? How long did it take you to get your body back to normal and losing weight again?

Disclaimer: I am not in starvation mode.. nor am I anywhere near it.. lol.. I am really just curious.. I hear people getting on other people all the time about them not eating enough and risking putting their body into starvation mode.. but I personally, have never heard of someone actually getting to that point. Even a friend of mine who pretty much starved herself to lose 50 lbs! She actually looks great and has not gained any weight back. which amazes me! Anyway.. anyone?


  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    bump, sorry i havent got an answer but am really interested in the answers you get
  • Jessabelle12
    Same.... bump
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Same.... bump

    Thanks for the bumps =]
  • dmcgoon
    dmcgoon Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in the Army and I don't always have time to eat and by the time I do get to eat I feel too sick to eat and my fitness pal often tells me that I am entering starvation mode. However to counter going into starvation mode I take the Vitamin B6 which is meant to boost your metabolism. I don't notice a big change the days of the starvation mode and when I eat as much as I should I feel fine. I tend to binge eat when I get stressed so those days where I eat to little are a good reset day for my stomach a brain to remember that I only need small portions and to eat until I am comfortable and not overly full.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    i used to have an eating disorder...i would eat about 600-800 calories and i would NEVER EVEN DREAM about eating over 1000, let alone 1200. luckily i am a lot better now. i ate in starvation mode for about half a year. i was utterly exhausted throughout the day, would shake like a leaf after my workouts, and ive lost soo much hair. i hated taking showers, because i always lost the most during showers. i now use rogaine for bald spots, and im just 19 years old. the poor nutrition also made my skin look yellow and disgusting. yes, i dropped about 30 pounds in 5 months, but i wasnt even overweight to begin with so it put me in the underweight bmi range. its a nightmare

    so, starvation mode aint nothin to f*** with lol
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I think people have a conception that when you hit starvation mode, it just happens from one day to the next and something crazy will happen to your body. For most people, it's just something that happens when you consistently eat a little below the net calories that you should and you gradually are unable to lose weight anymore. Your body doesn't want to lose because it thinks you are "starving" it, so it holds on to everything it gets. I really don't think it turns into anything dramatic until you reach anorexia type restrictions. I could be wrong, but that's what I've always understood.
  • vancelynvkd
    vancelynvkd Posts: 3 Member
    starvation is something that people put their mind to .... it doesn't just happen the same day ....... i my self never tried it but i watch my friend ate a small apple for breakfast and then didnt eat for the rest of the day.She explain that it is like having ur body fighting to stay alive. Watching her do that to herself, i saw that she went through mood swings and was very angry . I do not advise anyone to try it .....IT'S NOT WORTH IT
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    i used to have an eating disorder...i would eat about 600-800 calories and i would NEVER EVEN DREAM about eating over 1000, let alone 1200. luckily i am a lot better now. i ate in starvation mode for about half a year. i was utterly exhausted throughout the day, would shake like a leaf after my workouts, and ive lost soo much hair. i hated taking showers, because i always lost the most during showers. i now use rogaine for bald spots, and im just 19 years old. the poor nutrition also made my skin look yellow and disgusting. yes, i dropped about 30 pounds in 5 months, but i wasnt even overweight to begin with so it put me in the underweight bmi range. its a nightmare

    so, starvation mode aint nothin to f*** with lol

    Oh wow! I am glad you are better! I would FREAK if I started to lose my hair as well!! has the rogain been helping you get it back?? Funny, I lost 35 lbs in 5 months but I was eating right and exercising.. No starvation mode. That sounds pretty horrible though!!
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I'm in the Army and I don't always have time to eat and by the time I do get to eat I feel too sick to eat and my fitness pal often tells me that I am entering starvation mode. However to counter going into starvation mode I take the Vitamin B6 which is meant to boost your metabolism. I don't notice a big change the days of the starvation mode and when I eat as much as I should I feel fine. I tend to binge eat when I get stressed so those days where I eat to little are a good reset day for my stomach a brain to remember that I only need small portions and to eat until I am comfortable and not overly full.

    hmm.. I didnt think 1 day of not eating would put you in starvation mode.. Are you not eating for like, days at a time??
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I think people have a conception that when you hit starvation mode, it just happens from one day to the next and something crazy will happen to your body. For most people, it's just something that happens when you consistently eat a little below the net calories that you should and you gradually are unable to lose weight anymore. Your body doesn't want to lose because it thinks you are "starving" it, so it holds on to everything it gets. I really don't think it turns into anything dramatic until you reach anorexia type restrictions. I could be wrong, but that's what I've always understood.

    I agree, I didnt think 1 or 2 days.. even a week of not eating enough would put your body into starvation mode.. and I just figured you felt like crap and wouldnt lose weight at all no matter what.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    starvation is something that people put their mind to .... it doesn't just happen the same day ....... i my self never tried it but i watch my friend ate a small apple for breakfast and then didnt eat for the rest of the day.She explain that it is like having ur body fighting to stay alive. Watching her do that to herself, i saw that she went through mood swings and was very angry . I do not advise anyone to try it .....IT'S NOT WORTH IT

    OMG! I would totally be angry too if all I ate was an apple a day.. Her apple a day is not going to keep the doctor away!! Intentionally starving yourself is definitely not a good move! I agree! I was just curious to see if there was anyone who ever reached that limit by eating 1000 cals a day.. some people do that and dont know they are hurting theirself. they think they are doing good on their diet. you know.
  • dmcgoon
    dmcgoon Posts: 24 Member
    No, for several days I tend to net between 500-800 calories a day that goes for about a week before I end up bingeing.
  • dmcgoon
    dmcgoon Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in the Army and I don't always have time to eat and by the time I do get to eat I feel too sick to eat and my fitness pal often tells me that I am entering starvation mode. However to counter going into starvation mode I take the Vitamin B6 which is meant to boost your metabolism. I don't notice a big change the days of the starvation mode and when I eat as much as I should I feel fine. I tend to binge eat when I get stressed so those days where I eat to little are a good reset day for my stomach a brain to remember that I only need small portions and to eat until I am comfortable and not overly full.

    hmm.. I didnt think 1 day of not eating would put you in starvation mode.. Are you not eating for like, days at a time??
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    No, I for several days I tend to net between 500-800 calories a day that goes for about a week before I end up bingeing.

    Ok, just wanted to make sure I understood lol.. So basically, if you eat so little for a few days you will get to the point where you just binge.. Maybe thats the body's way of getting more calories so it can get a boost and get out of starvation mode. So the people who can fight that urge to binge are basically the ones who get to a dangerous point. this is what I am getting out of the responses anyway
  • dmcgoon
    dmcgoon Posts: 24 Member
    No, I for several days I tend to net between 500-800 calories a day that goes for about a week before I end up bingeing.

    Ok, just wanted to make sure I understood lol.. So basically, if you eat so little for a few days you will get to the point where you just binge.. Maybe thats the body's way of getting more calories so it can get a boost and get out of starvation mode. So the people who can fight that urge to binge are basically the ones who get to a dangerous point. this is what I am getting out of the responses anyway

    Yes, my nutritionist told me that when you crave sweets that is your body's way of telling you that it needs more energy.
  • CindyWarner
    I didn't have enough food for one day recently. I was with my hubby at the hospital and well you know what hospital food is like. I also didn't want to eat infront of my or excuse my self so I could eat. So after about 14 hours that day in ER we were both crabby and he was shakeing. So I badgered the nurse and told her if there is no tests to be planned soon then he has to eat! :mad: She gave me permission to feed him food and I ate too. Not the best choices were around at that time but we ate. BTW he's OK now.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    It takes several days of not getting enough calories to put your body into starvation mode. 1 day wont make any difference.

    I experienced this a while back. I was 17st 3, all going well, then stayed there for 3 weeks. Went to see my nutritionist, told her i was eating around 1200 a day, and exercising 6 times a week. She told me to go up to 1800. I did just that, and lost 2 pounds in the next 3 days.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    It takes several days of not getting enough calories to put your body into starvation mode. 1 day wont make any difference.

    I experienced this a while back. I was 17st 3, all going well, then stayed there for 3 weeks. Went to see my nutritionist, told her i was eating around 1200 a day, and exercising 6 times a week. She told me to go up to 1800. I did just that, and lost 2 pounds in the next 3 days.

    Wow! 3 days! lol.. Imagine,, eating MORE to lose more.. lol!
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I didn't have enough food for one day recently. I was with my hubby at the hospital and well you know what hospital food is like. I also didn't want to eat infront of my or excuse my self so I could eat. So after about 14 hours that day in ER we were both crabby and he was shakeing. So I badgered the nurse and told her if there is no tests to be planned soon then he has to eat! :mad: She gave me permission to feed him food and I ate too. Not the best choices were around at that time but we ate. BTW he's OK now.

    I know sometimes its necessary to not let a patient eat.. but 14 HOURS?! OMG! He could have eaten and been ready for any test they needed! I hate it when they do that! I am glad they let you feed him! Glad he is ok now =] good thing you were there to badger the nurse!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    It takes several days of not getting enough calories to put your body into starvation mode. 1 day wont make any difference.

    I experienced this a while back. I was 17st 3, all going well, then stayed there for 3 weeks. Went to see my nutritionist, told her i was eating around 1200 a day, and exercising 6 times a week. She told me to go up to 1800. I did just that, and lost 2 pounds in the next 3 days.

    Wow! 3 days! lol.. Imagine,, eating MORE to lose more.. lol!

    EXACTLY what i thought! All my life i was told "eat less to lose weight", and here was a professional telling me to eat MORE to lose weight! I trusted her, and it worked like a charm, never looked back since!