calories vs exersice

Hi everyone. I lost 45 pounds on weight watcher 5 years ago. I put back on 30 lbs. I need to get it off...although 1200 calories and exercising??? would you do water before exercising and a fruit afterwards.


  • poledancing_ninja
    When you work out you gain calories that you can eat :) I tend to just work out before my evening meal though, that way I am not hungry
  • BrookeEspinosa
    If you are gonna do 1200 calories, then I suggest you eat your exercise calories.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    I would look around and find a suitable meal for yourself pre and post workout. Always eat your workout cals. You will have a much higher success rate if you do.

    For instance maybe pre workout you have a Slow Burning Carb pre workout. And then Post workout you would have ytour biggest meal of the day, mostly protein with carbs, low fats.
  • Blackdog2001
    I drink water all day. If I'm exercising I drink even more since I've seen my body sweat of 1.5 pounds with cardio alone. I would just consider it part of your daily routine. Your body will get rid of what it doesn't need and as you increase your exercise, your blood volume will also increase so keep that water coming. I personally have half a protein bar before I work out and half when I'm done. In addition, I go with lean protein (e.g., sliced turkey breast) and carbs when I get home from the gym. Don't over do it, but give your body what it needs to rebuild from the exercise.
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    I'm usually starving when I get home from work so I eat before I work out but only a small meal or snack, eating the majority of my calories during the day works better for me. I think different things work for different people. I will usually eat some almonds or nuts before working out. Yesterday I grabbed a handful of raw green beans and that worked. I lost 54 lbs on Weight Watcher 18 years ago and have gained back 20 in the last 2 years so I know where you are coming from.