Buy smaller clothes for motivation?



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I have been oddly reluctant to move to smaller sizes unless I was at risk of mooning the neighborhood (again). I have looked (according to my wife) at times ridiculous. In my defense the novelty of clothes being baggy on me is not something I have experienced in a long time. I was about to size up again when I started losing so I was in clothes that felt tight.

    I think a good plan requires very little motivation but if it helps I would look at only getting the size you are about to be in. I do have some of those clothes because I am tired of rush ordering things I need to avoid that mooning thing I mentioned.
  • Luke_rabbit
    Luke_rabbit Posts: 1,031 Member
    I bought a pair of pants on clearance with a coupon! I could get into them, but they weren't decent. They are now in the box with my smaller size clothes waiting for a couple more pounds to come off. They are, however, a brand/style that always fits me.
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    I had lots of sizes in my closet, too. As I lost weight, it actually was motivating to try on those to remind myself that I was getting smaller.i wore some older favorite things, but mostly, I ended up needing smaller things. My husband teased me about shopping in my closet! ( I only bought new things I could wear, though!)
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,724 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    I have been oddly reluctant to move to smaller sizes unless I was at risk of mooning the neighborhood (again). I have looked (according to my wife) at times ridiculous. In my defense the novelty of clothes being baggy on me is not something I have experienced in a long time. I was about to size up again when I started losing so I was in clothes that felt tight.

    I think a good plan requires very little motivation but if it helps I would look at only getting the size you are about to be in. I do have some of those clothes because I am tired of rush ordering things I need to avoid that mooning thing I mentioned.

    I had to laugh at this, I kept yanking up my pants not wanting to buy new stuff and waste the old until I was smaller. By the time I went shopping I was down 2-3 sizes, no wonder my pants were so loose!

    I personally am waiting to buy new clothes because there's no way to know if something will fit properly at the end goal. I just got to goal so it's time to start my wardrobe.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,152 Member
    angf0679 wrote: »
    I don't need to buy smaller clothing - I only need to dig them out from the storage tote under my bed, or reach to the back of my closet.


    But I've also made a discovery ... sometimes, when I lose weight, I'm a different shape.

    I was slender for about 20 years between about 23 and 43. Since then I've gradually increased and decreased a few times. The most recent time I decreased, I was the same weight as I was the last time I wore the clothes I bought between 23 and 43 ............ but the clothes didn't fit well. My shape had changed.

    So ... one of the difficulties with buying something in a smaller size is that you just don't know what your smaller shape is going to be.
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    Ugh I’ve done this all the time! Luckily I’ve never gained that much weight so I know they will fit me. I recently bought a £10 skirt from H&M and it’s a UK size 8 so it’s tight. Right now I’m a size 10/12 so I know it will fit me. I definitely find it motivational. Recently I bought a dress on holiday that I didn’t fit into in August but I tried it on now and it fits! That’s how I know I’m losing serious body fat, even if the silly scale doesn’t move. Time to fit into that skirt now 😁😁
  • geraldaltman
    geraldaltman Posts: 1,739 Member
    My thinking is reverse. I just bought new trousers as a reward after seeing the very noticeable difference in the larger (now donated) ones in my closet.
  • Shortgirlrunning
    Shortgirlrunning Posts: 1,020 Member
    I’m too picky about how my clothes look to do this. I don’t know what my body will look like at a smaller size so what if I buy a bunch of clothes in a smaller size and reach that size but still don’t like how they look on me? I do a lot of online browsing of clothes I want to buy someday though.

    I did buy a new winter coat in a smaller size. Not for motivation though. My winter coat was way too big because I bought it when I was 50 lbs heavier. So I needed a new one but (fingers crossed) I’ll be another 20-30 lbs down next winter and coats are expensive! I don’t want to have to buy one two years in a row. So I bought a size down. It’s a little tight this year but hopefully next year it will be perfect.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    edited November 2019
    Honestly, I think external motivation are fairly short term fixes. If being healthier, more functional, having more energy and looking better aren't motivation enough to keep you on plan, I don't see why new clothes would.
  • mcsega
    mcsega Posts: 19 Member
    No, clothing especially pants even if they fit that doesn't mean mean they will look right on you. I usually have to try on 2-3 pairs of pants that fit to find the right pair.
  • FireyChimera
    FireyChimera Posts: 155 Member
    That sounds like a terrible idea and only sets you up for disappointment and feeling like you need to conform to the clothes. The goal should be to be healthy, not a certain size. My goal is to be happy and healthy
  • MaintainInTheMembrane
    I did this while I was losing weight. Especially if items were on sale.

    It worked really well, because I tried the items on throughout my journey, and could really see the progress. It also meant that when my fat clothes were too big, I had something new and fun to wear. I only bought things I knew would suit me.

    I live in those clothes, now, and it’s a great feeling.
  • yourfitnessenemy
    yourfitnessenemy Posts: 121 Member
    I’m thinking of doing this with slightly smaller clothes that are on sale.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I think for me, making the purchase itself is a motivation, so if I bought the clothes before I can fit them, then the clothes themselves wouldn't motivate me.
  • vanityy99
    vanityy99 Posts: 2,583 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    angf0679 wrote: »
    I don't need to buy smaller clothing - I only need to dig them out from the storage tote under my bed, or reach to the back of my closet.


    But I've also made a discovery ... sometimes, when I lose weight, I'm a different shape.

    I was slender for about 20 years between about 23 and 43. Since then I've gradually increased and decreased a few times. The most recent time I decreased, I was the same weight as I was the last time I wore the clothes I bought between 23 and 43 ............ but the clothes didn't fit well. My shape had changed.

    So ... one of the difficulties with buying something in a smaller size is that you just don't know what your smaller shape is going to be.

    I believe that. Same thing happened to my friend. She gained 20lbs, lost the 20lbs but her hips stayed wide. She wasn’t curvy before.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    edited November 2019
    Does buying clothes in a smaller size aid motivation for slimming it just make you feel bad?

    I don’t buy smaller clothes ahead of time. What if they don’t fit right after you lose the weight? You won’t necessarily have the same contours after weight loss.

    I never threw out my smaller clothing. I’m finding that the legs of my old jeans fit but I can’t button them comfortably. Some day.

  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    angf0679 wrote: »
    I don't need to buy smaller clothing - I only need to dig them out from the storage tote under my bed, or reach to the back of my closet.

    I was basically here in September. But now those clothes that I put away and tucked behind things fit again! No need to buy new clothes! It's like shopping in your own closet and I was able to tuck away the 1 size too big stuff...

    But, kidding aside, if I was you, I'd wait until those close fit to buy them. Saying "I can't buy them until I'm "???"."