Vacation Temptation!

Ok I need some adivce. I am getting ready to go on a three day vacation to Key West, Fl & I know temptation will be at an all time high! Do I 1.) Continue with my daily tracking and try as hard as possible to stay within the 1200 calorie range 2.) Splurge and pick the diet back up when I return home?


  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    If this is a lifestyle change for you then do what I did on my 2 week vacation and continue to log and try to make wise choices.I lost 2 pounds when I did that and I am so glad I did what I did.
  • cathmcgarry
    cathmcgarry Posts: 14 Member
    I'm actually going on a two week vacation soon, too. I don't really have an answer, but I'd love to hear what other people have to say.

    For my vacation, my plan is to stop off at a grocery store and pick up some healthy items for breakfast (we have a refrigerator in our room) and some healthy snacks. I will also bring some workout clothes with. However, the temptation will definitely be there, and I will probably end up splurging somewhere along the line. I'm just hoping to maintain for the time that I am gone.
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    How often do you vacation in a year? If seldom, go splurge. Eat a key lime pie...or several. Pound a few drinks. Get back on the MFP plan when you get back. 3 days ain't gonna kill your progress.
  • smrtcar
    smrtcar Posts: 104 Member
    Have fun, stay active, don't drink to excess, and resume upon return!
  • laurenalison
    laurenalison Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for all the good adivce!