bed time hunger

Does anyone else go all day barely feeling hungry and keeping without a good intake as far as calories and what not and then 8:00pm rolls around and it's like hunger strikes out of nowhere? I'm the type that can not fall asleep if I'm hungry. I'm trying to get used to eating just a little bit of something that's satisfying to get to sleep. I don't mind feeling a bit hungry but I feel like I've not eaten all day by about 8:00pm almost every evening. I've tried water, apple sauce cups, slice of bread, banana, other fruits, carrots. Nothing fills me enough. I notice a much better loss for the week when I don't eat late in the evening. And I do eat until satisfied through the day. I don't undereat or skimp on calories. I eat satisfying foods like chicken, fish, veggies, fiber, nuts, fruits. I don't mind being corrected and told what I'm doing wrong. I figure what most will say is that I need to eat more during the day but I'm not undereating as far as what I'm allowed each day.


  • XLNC1981
    XLNC1981 Posts: 114 Member
    Agree with Mike!! Leave more cals for your dinner and if possible, have your dinner a little later! Went through same as you, in fact I was waking up at 4am and staring at the ceiling and simply unable to get back to sleep.

    It’s not a nice feeling really but the above is a solution. Doesn’t really matter when you have your cals as long as you stay within your goal! 👍🏽
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    MikePTY wrote: »
    What is your calorie goal? When do you normally eat? How many calories have you eaten normally by 8pm?

    The first suggestion I would have is to leave more calories available for you to have at night. There is no reason you need to eat at a specific time, so if you are not normally hungry during the day but hungry at night, I would eat less during the day to have more left for an 8pm meal.

    1200 per day and I usually walk every other day for 2-3 miles on those days so I am a bit hungrier so I eat back some of those calories. I'll try eating more at my last meal of the day or eating my last meal of the day later in the evening.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,240 Member
    I've tried everything to stop that problem. Bigger dinner, eating later, no more IF, and I've come to the conclusion that it is when I stop working, cleaning, taking care of my son & pets etc and I become more idle that this happens. Especially if I am watching TV & relaxing. I realized some time ago that I would have to allow calories for night time snacks (and carbs too). If I want crunchy I have nuts on hand (filling too!). If I want sweet, I have Atkins bars handy (or granola, you get the picture). If I want cold or creamy I have sugar-free jello with a dollop of whipped cream handy (or a nice yogurt). I couldn't fight it, I had to join it. Careful choices, logging and staying under my calorie and carb goal overall for the day helps keep things moving steady on the scale. Honestly, I just had to learn how to fit healthy snacks in because there was not stopping the desire.

    A good dinner will help stop the snack from becoming a binge.
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    I agree with the poster above. It happens to me and it's usually two reasons a) I have not actually eaten enough all day or b) it's due to hormonal fluctuations. I try to plan for this by leaving some extra calories that week for that day.

    But not eating enough is also big. I would go all day with a small amount of cals and think I was great and then thought I was going to due of hunger at 8pm.

    I try to plan bigger dinners- 500 or 600 calories.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    I usually eat a slice of cheese or drink a glass of milk before bed. Sometimes a slice of bread and butter. Since I eat dinner at 6 and don't go to bed until midnight or later, I get very hungry if I don't eat something. That leads to insomnia, which means I end up getting up and eating something at 3 a.m. I'd rather eat something light and go to sleep when I want to.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Try a little protein snack before bed. String cheese, glass of milk, protein shake or bar. Won't spike your blood sugar like carbs.
  • peggy_polenta
    peggy_polenta Posts: 325 Member
    could just be your circadian rhythm
  • Annagrace75
    Annagrace75 Posts: 29 Member
    I can totally relate. Intermittent fasting works for me and I eat the majority of my calories right before bed.