Keeping Motivated and Staying Focused

This week I have been Keeping Motivated and have been in the gym by 4:30am-7am before work it's keeping me motivated and seeing results I didn't think I'd already see at this point. Please feel free to add me I'm needing friends so I can stay motivated and keep going strong.


  • UglyDucklingmfp
    UglyDucklingmfp Posts: 18 Member
    Uglyducklingmfp. Please add me to your group.
  • jlschoenfeld
    jlschoenfeld Posts: 1 Member
    I am trying to get motivated to get started. I exercise for years always in shape then stopped. I am down and out need to get back it was recommended I get get this app months ago . I did however never looked at it until now. Wish I had a support system to get me going
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    I am trying to get motivated to get started. I exercise for years always in shape then stopped. I am down and out need to get back it was recommended I get get this app months ago . I did however never looked at it until now. Wish I had a support system to get me going

    My PCP recommended this site to me back in July. I signed on and said yeh, ok, I'll never be able to do this. It was just too much trying to enter my meager brain all at once. Coming into any new site can be overwhelming and there seemed to be soooo much information here, had that awful outsider feeling. But after returning from an Iceland trip beginning of October, I buckled down and said this is it. I do NOT want to live this way any longer. So I checked MFP out more, started entering, read the forum and jumped in.
    I've been as high as 235 lbs. and as low as 129 throughout my life; began as a chunky child and never stopped. So I've lost and gained the same 50-100 lbs. With my goal in sight, I feel I've conquered the yo-yo thing. I hope.
    Anyone want to add me or email, feel free. We all need support and if I can help anyone, I'm here. :)

    Pick a day, pick a plan, start counting, keep it simple and go for it!!! Good luck!