Too many calories left at the end of the day? Am I under eating?

Hi everyone, this is my first time posting and am just after some advice. I was a slimming world member for about 4 years and lost 2 stone which I managed to maintain. I finally decided to take a step back from SW in June this year and looked into trying Hunger Directed Eating. I have put on a little weight (although not as much as I thought I would in the circumstances!) and would like to try and shift this again. I have been using MFP for 50 days now and logging everything I eat.

My question is, almost every day I seem to have a LOT of calories remaining, sometimes as much as 400 by the time I go to bed. I'm quite an active person (single mother, student and dog owner!!) and have my Fitbit synced up to MFP meaning I earn more calories through the day. Despite losing a couple of pounds at the beginning I seem to have put a little back on again, even though I haven't really changed anything...I eat quite lightly during the day but tend to have a lot of snacks in the evening, within my calories...I am trying to work on the snacking but am starting to wonder if I'm under eating or something? I know this is possible but I'm not going to bed hungry and if I want to eat I eat (sometimes eating when I don't really need to but still within calories)

Does anyone have any advice please? I'd really appreciate any tips or pointers!! Thank you xx


  • senojylrac
    senojylrac Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you I've done that now I think x
  • pjwrt
    pjwrt Posts: 166 Member
    The trap I fell into is my "Exercise For Tasties". I was calculating how active I had to be to allow myself to overeat. On the surface, it seems like a good thing, right? Except I'm not active all the time.

    Some days, 2000 calories are more than adequate (like today), but I'm totally capable of eating home-cooked vegetarian meals of 3500 calories on those days. Why? Because I like my cooking. A lot.

    Sounds like a pep talk for our annual Day of Piggish Behavior, don't it. Good luck
  • senojylrac
    senojylrac Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for your reply.. The dressing and pancakes are both recipes that I've added myself with the proper measured proportions and split them.. I have been accurate with those.. The halloumi was weighed and dry fried..

    I did guess on the Coleslaw but not on the Chutney, the couple of times I have guessed I've actually over estimated as I know from being on slimming world how different an actual weighed amount can be compared to what you think.. And I do think I have a fairly good grasp of how food looks especially if I can use tsp or tbsp measurements ...

    The only time I struggle is with drinks from Cafe Nero and places like that when I obviously don't know the exact measurements of coffee etc.. I tend to use what other people have input on the database but try and check it if I can.

    I do suspect I've been eating too much bread and sugary stuff tbh as I cut a lot of that out on SW and didn't really have any bread so I think it causes me to bloat now too.

    Do you think I need to start leaving more calories at the end of the day then incase the fitbit is overestimating?

    Thank you for your help xx🙂
  • senojylrac
    senojylrac Posts: 5 Member
    OK I'll give that a go thanks so much for your help once again ☺
  • KarenSmith2018
    KarenSmith2018 Posts: 302 Member
    The Fitbit is probably over estimating calories burn. Mine gives me 3000 a day. I cannot eat 3000 cals a day and maintain my weight.