High Protein Low Fat Low Carb Low Calorie Ketosis (New Direction)

I am posting to share with others who are on the New Direction diet or any other diet or medical supervised weight loss diet that uses high protein, low carb, low fat, low calorie meals and shakes to achieve weight loss through ketosis. I am not posting to get opinions from people who are not following this diet.

There are a few old threads about ND where all the posts are attacking the OG poster about the VLCD and questioning the safety of the diet and the motives of the doctors. I see an MD (an internist) every two weeks on this diet at one of the world's best hospitals in NYC. While the diet may not make sense to everyone, I think it is terrible for lay people who are supposed to be here to support each other to essentially badger someone who is following a responsible (if not well-known or well understood program) under medical supervision.


I followed this diet fairly easily for six months in 2011 and lost thirty pounds (sw: 215>185), although I transitioned to low-carb eating after about 2-3 months because getting to the hospital to buy products had become a pain and the support system was not very good back then. After the weight loss, I felt like a different person and was not ready to keep losing nor to maintain and I started binge and emotional eating again. Over the last eight years I have gained back double the weight I lost.

I started New Direction again at a new location which is much more convenient and with a great doctor whom I love. I weigh my self every day so my stats fluctuate (nutritionist told me today to just weight once/week), but I have lost anywhere between 8-12 lbs in 4 weeks. Some may be water, I know.

The first two weeks I was faithful to the plan, which is really easy actually--three chocolate whey protein shakes, a protein bar, and one meal of lean protein and veggies. The second two weeks I experimented with keto and of course have been eating more calories and fat including a bun-less avocado bacon cheeseburger, chicken thighs with the skin, and homemade coconut oil chocolates. I have stalled and maybe gained back a little these two weeks so after a great meeting with my MD and nutritionist today, I am encouraged and excited to go back to the tried and true plan tomorrow (official start of week 5).

I signed up for six months and hope to lose 48 pounds--an average of 2 lbs per week and I am on track for that.
That will put me at 200 lbs and from there I might do another three or six months to get to 185 or 170--where I think I will be very happy.

Some super NON SCALE VICTORIES: dropped 26 points in my total cholesterol the first two weeks & have dropped many inches. All my clothes are getting loose already with only about 10 lbs down. I can see my behind, shoulders, hips, face, and belly are slimmer and my hubby & daughter noticed right away. I am very clear headed on this diet. Something about burning ketones? Cravings and hunger are eliminated. Huge! I feel energetic and great. I do yoga 1-2 times per week and would like to increase that. Tomorrow I will start 30 minutes of walking about 3 mph daily on my treadmill.

Good luck to everyone and would love to hear from others who are doing or seriously considering this program (or something similar).


  • mgeeq
    mgeeq Posts: 21 Member
    So how's it going? I just started today. My friend did this and recommended it. I am being seen by a doctor, dietician, and exercise physiologist, with option to see a psychologist. It is a well-supervised program. I realize it's not a lifelong eating plan but I am using the shakes as a way to break my psychological obsession with food. I agree that it's sad that other users on here are so judgemental -- as if we haven't done the research and understand the long-term goals of this kind of program.

    I have done pure calorie counting before using MFP and been successful. I've done a lot of work on my triggers of emotional eating. For me, this is another choice toward a long-term healthy life.