Starting the Galloway 1/2 marathon training in October...

JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
So I have set a goal to complete the Princess 1/2 Marathon in Disney World next Feb. Since My sailor and I are planning our wedding/vow renewal in Disneyworld next fall.
It'll also give us some great reasons to celebrate!
1) He'll be back from his first deployment!
2) I'll have completed my first 1/2 marathon (and hopefully my weight loss goal)!
3) It can double as our wedding planning trip! We can meet with the planner, taste the food, see the venue and all that jazz. Maybe even hit up Universal Studios and check out Harry Potter while we're there.

Has anyone tried this training method before? The beginining runner's method seems TOO easy compared to my usual 5 k runs...I've never done a race this long though, so he may have something there....
Thanks all!:smile:


  • I have been using a quasi- combination of his method along with some others I found on-line... I am running the 1/2 marathon at the Food and Wine Festival in October at Disney... Basically, I have worked up from not running at all to running 4-5 miles two days a week, alternative cardio two other days a week and a long run every Saturday, where I add a mile each week and am up to 10 this weekend... I think Galloway only has you do long distance every other weekend... I have throughly enjoyed it! Good Luck with your training! My husband is also deployed and running is a good distraction!
  • Marycan2
    Marycan2 Posts: 28
    GOOD for you!!!! I know how stressful those deployments can be on us. My hubby just retired from the AF after 26 years. I wish you success with all your plans....especially your time at Disneyworld for you wedding /vow renewal!!! MFP will be a great help for you!!! WOW we are starting out at the same weight on MFP...go figure!!!!!
  • I'm doing the same program! I decided on the intermediate training schedule since the beginner one looked too easy. I started last week.. so far so good! Switch to the intermediate one too, then if it gets too hard you can always go back to the beginner one. Good luck!! :)
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    I have not personally used that method but my training partner has! She's had great success.
    I'm getting ready to run my 2nd half marathon in October. I think the key is finding the plan and sticking to it! Good luck!!
  • mei1005
    mei1005 Posts: 15 Member
    I've run 4 Half-Marathons and one full. I used the Galloway program for one and then switched to Hal Higdon's program. I don't think there's anything wrong with Galloway, just personally prefer Higdon. I find it easier to focus on miles rather than minutes. Either way, be careful. As you increase your distance, you need to increase your calories consumed. Your body NEEDS the calories to run that much. Good luck!
  • I ran the Disney Princess Half in 2010. It is a fabulous race you will have so much fun! I love the Galloway Method. I have done it for 2 of the 1/2 marathons I have ran due to an injury I incurred while training. I do the 4 min run 1 min walk. I have found that I am actually not any slower following this method and have stayed injury free. I have completed 6 halfs so far. Follow it to the tee you will stay injury free. If you are not a runner or are just getting back into running after a long time off I would start with the beginner program. If after 3 months of solid running of 3-4 miles 4 days a week you feel the need to push yourself a little harder then switch to intermediate. 13.1 miles is for sure alot different then a 5k. But you can do it!!! Good Luck :)
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I always point newbies to Higdon. Nothing wrong with Galloway, either way train well and have fun!
  • Thanks for the Higdon tip - googling his methods now - lots to read!