Spinning! Looking for advice on bikes!

Hey spinning fans!
I am looking to purchase a bike for at home. I'm price sensitive, peloton is way out of my budget but I don't want to buy something off Amazon for $250 and then regret it after a few months ... what are people's experiences on bikes that they've purchased for personal use?
Thanks and happy Turkey Day!


  • Rocio12
    Rocio12 Posts: 15 Member
    Splurge on the peloton. It’s AMAZING! I am an avid spinner and this has changed my love for spinning. The classes/instructors are top notch! I almost bought a bike off Amazon. Glad I didn’t
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,026 Member
    edited December 2019
    You're not going to find a good inexpensive spin bike unless you happen to find a used one somewhere.

    When it comes to indoor cycles, I'd rank them from top to bottom as ...

    Smart trainer
    Fluid trainer
    Spin bike
    Good quality stationary bike like a Lifecycle or similar
    Other stationary bikes

    For $250, you can get a good fluid trainer (but you'll need a bicycle too, of course) or an 'other stationary bike' ... unless you go used.

    Do some reading on your options to make a good choice. :)