What has 2019 done for you?

ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
2019 will soon draw to a close and I am curious how your year has been because I am nosy that way.

Have you learnt any important lessons?
Do any moments stick out for you?
Did you discover anything new?
Etc etc, you get the picture.


  • cdubks88
    cdubks88 Posts: 3,573 Member
    shaf238 wrote: »
    My daughter came into my life <3

    Congratulations, man. That's fantastic news!
  • As_ve
    As_ve Posts: 19 Member
    First, I learned in 2019 that slow and steady wins the game. Instead of being impatient, ungrateful and wanting everything at once, it is better to just focus on one or two things. I guess life is not a race; it should be seen as a marathon. This applies to getting a university degree, finding the right job, weight loss goals, hobbies, learning a new language, moving into a new place, relationships, etc.

    Second, this year I have looked for authenticity in friendships and I tried to have a more sustainable lifestyle. I am still figuring these things out, especially the latter. I don't want to be a social hermit though, but I feel that in my teens it was easier for me to connect with people (or back then the people I met were nicer, idk) and I often feel uncomfortable attending bigger parties where everyone you meet asks you the same damn questions.

    Lastly, there is something I should really work on: I have done a technology detox a few times and it made me more productive. I think I should stop being so much on social media, watch less Youtube videos and Netflix. At the end of the day it is all such a waste of time and I have other goals like being more creative, reading books, improving at useful life skills. Often I am aware of this, but then "the addiction" starts all over again when I am listening/ watching videos while cleaning or cooking and then the rest of the day is just spoiled because I can't concentrate. If anybody has any tips to battle this, I would highly appreciate it. It is kinda funny that I am complaining about this on a forum...on the internet. :D
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    That I am getting old and the injuries take much longer to heal
  • Reckoner68
    Reckoner68 Posts: 2,139 Member
    I built an ugly-but-solid bookshelf
    I went to Stokercon
    I forged two knives outta railroad spikes
    I learned very little and otherwise didn’t do much to improve myself
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    I ran my first full marathon...which was way out of my comfort zone.

    This year I am struggling to be the strongest friend. Sometimes that is a heavy burden to carry. I'm the friend that is always asking if they are ok, which I then turn out to be the one to listen to them. No one ever asks how I am.
  • isalsayourface123
    isalsayourface123 Posts: 2,153 Member
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    I put myself first.

    I stopped caring what my parents think.

    Switched to a plant based diet and love it.

    I fell in love.

    My energy is amazing. I put it out into the world and get it back. I’m manifesting everything I want in life.

    Aaawwww. The dating app guy?
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    I put myself first.

    I stopped caring what my parents think.

    Switched to a plant based diet and love it.

    I fell in love.

    My energy is amazing. I put it out into the world and get it back. I’m manifesting everything I want in life.

    Aaawwww. The dating app guy?

    Actually, yes!! ❤️

  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    A LOT

    I don't really want to repeat it but I appreciate it.

    Meanwhile, I have my arms open and am ready for 2020 to motorboat the girls and thaw out my dead cold heart.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    That I am getting old and the injuries take much longer to heal

    Pretty much this. And I am capable of injuring myself just by walking. And I shouldn't wait three months for it to get better by itself, I should get my *kitten* into physio right away.
  • geraldaltman
    geraldaltman Posts: 1,739 Member
    2019 has become a watershed year for me. The January and April implantation of new hip joints and subsequent rehab from the surgeries has done nothing less than give me a "new lease" on retirement, on life! I have begun feeling better, moving better and being happier than I have been in some time! It all has been reflected in my improved lab results and significant weight loss! The only downer for the year was the passing of a close friend. I never got the chance to show her the improved me 😥
  • cdubks88
    cdubks88 Posts: 3,573 Member
    It brought a lot of loss but also brought so many fantastic people I've had the opportunity to get to know here that I otherwise wouldn't have.