Need to take Action!!!!

Hi I am so tired of being overweight and "starting fresh" every Monday......I need to take action, keep focused and make things happen! I want change and I am hoping that I will find strength, support and guidance with this site. I wish you all luck on your weight loss journey and together we can accomplish this goal!


  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    MFP is great! I wish you well on your journey!:happy:
  • diane423
    diane423 Posts: 48
    LOL.. im also a start monday fresh lady.. and i agree we have to focus..
  • Thank you both for your support and encouragement!!
  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    I was like you, starting over every Monday feeling bad because I put weight on again - exercising but not getting anywhere. I made a committment at the end of July that I would do something about it once and for all (can't tell you how many times I've said that). I started losing which was great, then I joined MFP which was awesome.
    I know something has changed. I don't know what it is, I can't really put my finger on it but every day I'm putting the work in. I'm not sure why or how its happened, probably something to do with the support on MFP but I'm really hoping the feeling lasts. I have had my rough days and have some how made it through that. I also had a weekend away which I lost weight on getting back home which was great.
    Whatever has happened I'm happy about it.

    Welcome to MFP
  • NurseHthr
    NurseHthr Posts: 43 Member
    .I know something has changed. I don't know what it is, I can't really put my finger on it but every day I'm putting the work in. I'm not sure why or how its happened, probably something to do with the support on MFP but I'm really hoping the feeling lasts. I have had my rough days and have some how made it through that..
    Whatever has happened I'm happy about it.

    Welcome to MFP
    I second this. I have been a start Monday girl for years but this time, something is different for sure
    Good luck!
  • neva4saken
    neva4saken Posts: 300 Member
    the most important step is the first one and you've done that .. this site has plenty of resources including friends to help keep you motivated .. make yourself important enough to stick with it, you gains years and add time to your life the better in shape you are .. life has a way of throwing things in our path it trips us up, holds up back, slows us down and yes we fall but the wonderful thing is none of that matters it's how quickly you pick yourself back up and keep going do not allow nothing to stop your determination and drive .. you deserve to be the best you that you can be .. i have no doubt that you can achieve that if nothing else you are important enough and if happiness comes from getting in shape than i say "get your happy back" we've all made mistakes i frequently tell people "a mistake only becomes failure when you do not learn from it" so do not say you've failed at anything but succeeded in learning what not to do .. good luck on your journey i know you will do great you deserve it i celebrate you in advance :-)
  • hkopacz
    hkopacz Posts: 15
    yes, what he said! :happy: feel free to add me as a friend. I love logging on here everyday, i feel i am held accountable for my actions here and it really helps keep me in line. i am motivated by others and i love to inspire others! so welcome to MFP and lets get this going! you have friends here that want to help!