What to get? Elliptical vs Treadmill?

I need advice...and I am coming to anyone out there that has an opinion.....I have had twenty knee surgeries on my right knee since 2003. So that means I have a pretty weak leg.

The debate at our house is do we get an elliptical trainer or a treadmill.

We already have a recumbent bike for exercise but hubby and I both want to exercise, so one has to wait while the other does their work out first. Any suggestions?


  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    eliptical imo

    I have flat feet (bad arches) and it hurts me to use the treadmill like no tomorrow but I can pound out an hour or more on the eliptical even to a hard program and my feet are fine. So I`m guess the same would apply to knee issues
  • jamesdelong
    jamesdelong Posts: 177 Member
    Elliptical will def be better for this joints. Get that and when you are up to it, go walking/running outside to make up for the treadmill.
  • cath1024
    cath1024 Posts: 79 Member
    For me i had an elliptical and used it when we first got it maybe 4 or 5 times and then it sat for almost 6 months and the only use it got was the kids playing on it.
    I ended up selling it and bought a treadmill and me and hubby have used it on a reg basis almost daily.
    I love the treadmill and wished i would have got it in the first place.
    I grab a magazine and read and the 45 mins i am on it passes by so fast!
    I do power walks on incline and get a great workout on it.

    Everyone is different and had different likes so not sure anyone can tell you other then getting one and seeing if you use it.

    I dont have bad knees so I really dont know which one would be easier on the knees.

    Good luck whatever you decide!
  • STL1
    STL1 Posts: 2
    I prefer elliptical over treadmill. You burn near the same amount of calories and your kmees and hips don't take a beating.
  • lmmgmm
    lmmgmm Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks to all who have responded so far! I am really interested in everyone's opinion. CATH1024 , your experience with the ellipitical is the same we had for a treadmill that I sold on a garage sale during the years of all my surgeries..... who would have known that I would be looking at getting possibly another one now?

    Our treadmill had more dust then use for the longest time....
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I have a bad knee and I cannot walk on a treadmill but can rock it out on a elliptical with no problems. Also just to throw this out there to help with your choice. You can go outside to walk for free but you can't go out to do the elliptical unless you have the machine, so if you get an elliptical you will have both. silly concept I know but true.
  • Elliptical! I have a terrible right knee and the elliptical helps me get all of my cardio in. I could be feeling the worst pain in my knee, but it's completely erased as soon as I'm on the elliptical. No pain at all.
  • kimmermcb
    kimmermcb Posts: 36 Member
    i have an elliptical and love it.
  • candicemaechling
    candicemaechling Posts: 152 Member
    Do u have any gyms around with free trials u could go try booth to see what would be more comfy ?
  • My husband had a total hip replacement in April (he is only 43) and has been a fit person all his life, years of impact training had taken it's effect. We now have one of the new ellipticals which have a 'centre wheel' and is self generating, they are recommended for rehab patients etc. It is amazing, and the positioning of the wheel allows for a smooth workout, and is posturally correct for all joints and core muscles. Spend the extra money on a good one of you are really serious, and good luck :-)
  • Do you see a physical therapist? If so, ask them! =)
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  • 57rainbows
    57rainbows Posts: 101 Member
    Oddly, I've had some bad knee pain when using the elliptical/stair stepper machines at the gym (both have paddles for your feet to be on) and none with the treadmill. I think I do something weird with twisting my knee or it's a bad width apart for me or something. So strangely enough the elliptical gives me knee pain and the treadmill does not! That's uncommon though so as long as you've used an elliptical before and it feels okay, I'd say go for that one.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I have a destroyed ankle and was in an aircast for 6 months following 2 surgeries this year.

    I STILL cannot walk more than 10 minutes on the treadmill but I can bang out 65 minutes with a lot of resistance. If I had to get one, it would be an elliptical.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    I need advice...and I am coming to anyone out there that has an opinion.....I have had twenty knee surgeries on my right knee since 2003. So that means I have a pretty weak leg.

    The debate at our house is do we get an elliptical trainer or a treadmill.

    We already have a recumbent bike for exercise but hubby and I both want to exercise, so one has to wait while the other does their work out first. Any suggestions?
    I vote elliptical. *Just make sure the stride is at least 18"
    We have both the recumbent bike and the elliptical and it works out great. I love working out with my honey. The elliptical is a nice low impact activity, and it's actually easier on my knees than the recumbent bike. :smile: We had a tread mill, but sold it when we moved. I could never run on it due to my 40year old knees, so i only used it for walking briskly. I think that's why I like the elliptical so much. I can get a much better workout on it, and if i want to go for a walk, I go for a walk at the park, or mall.
    p.s. My man thought he wouldn't like the elliptical, but now he uses it just as much as i do.