TheHuff_ Posts: 39 Member
edited December 2019 in Food and Nutrition
Hi guys, please help me. No matter how many vegetables I eat, no matter how small my plate is, no matter how much water I drink, no matter how much I try fasting to curb my appetite, no matter how much protein I eat, no matter what I do I am ALWAYS HUNGRY. Please help. It's making me miserable. Am I doomed to this insatiable hunger forever? I'm never satisfied unless I overeat. If I eat 'normally' I don't maintain my weight. I only gain. Hence why I MUST be in a deficit. But my hunger never fades away. I'm so sick of it


  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    edited December 2019
    First, what is your weight goal--loss or maintenance? How long have you been working at that goal? How long have you been feeling this way?

    Second, what is your current weight and goal weight, and what pace of weight loss did you select in MFP if you are trying to lose? An overly aggressive deficit is a common cause of hunger.

    Third, are you getting enough protein, fat, and fiber? These things help most people feel full.

    Fourth, what do you mean by "fasting," and is there a non-weight reason for you to do that? Fasting does nothing special for weight loss and can cause some people to overeat when they do eat.

    Fifth, are you exercising, and if so, how are you calculating your exercise calories? What proportion of them are you eating back?
  • TheHuff_
    TheHuff_ Posts: 39 Member
    edited December 2019
    @apullum thanks so much for replying!

    My goal is weight loss
    I've been working on it for years but keep yo-yoing. I've been in a consistent deficit for 2 weeks as of right now.
    I feel this way all the time. But the hunger is getting worse and is accompanied by nausea which I try so hard not to give into.
    Current weight is 192lbs/87kg
    Goal weight 125lbs/56kg
    Pace of loss is 1.5lbs a week
    apullum wrote: »
    'An overly aggressive deficit is a common cause of hunger.'

    Third, are you getting enough protein, fat, and fiber? These things help most people feel full.

    Fourth, what do you mean by "fasting," and is there a non-weight reason for you to do that? Fasting does nothing special for weight loss and can cause some people to overeat when they do eat.

    Fifth, are you exercising, and if so, how are you calculating your exercise calories? What proportion of them are you eating back?

    That's the problem. Even when I'm maintaining my heavy weight I am not satisfied ever. I can only get full by overeating which sounds and feels ridiculous.

    Yes I believe I'm getting enough of everything.

    By fasting I mean one to two meals a day in a smaller eating window (to try to balance out my sugar levels and also to try to have bigger meals to satiate me)

    Not exercising much in terms of cardio due to injured ankle. So I can't walk much at the moment. So I'm doing bodyweight exercises and resistance training most days of the week (something I haven't done in a very long time until now)
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    you may be emotional eating but if you feel really hungry you may want to try low carb or keto. I do low carb, eat under 100 carbs a day and I can stay in my calorie range and dont get hungry. Night time use to get me but no more thank goodness.
  • TheHuff_
    TheHuff_ Posts: 39 Member
    brenn24179 wrote: »
    you may be emotional eating but if you feel really hungry you may want to try low carb or keto. I do low carb, eat under 100 carbs a day and I can stay in my calorie range and dont get hungry. Night time use to get me but no more thank goodness.

    I am an emotional eater, indeed. But when I'm on a deficit, I'm forever hungry. Tummy rumbling. Nausea. Headaches. Everything. Idk how to stop it

    Keto just wouldn't work with my lifestyle unfortunately. I try not to eat too much meat and most plant based protein sources are also high in carb. Furthermore, a keto diet is expensive to maintain. Also I don't want to cut out any food groups as I want to maintain a balanced, healthy diet for the rest of my life

    I'm happy to hear keto worked for you though and that night time hunger has gone for you!
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    You don't have to set MFP to 1.5 lb/week. That might be reasonable for some folks with your stats, but if you can't sustain it, then it's not reasonable for you. I would suggest going for 1 lb/week, losing more slowly, being less miserable.

    Are you diabetic or pre diabetic, and did your doctor specifically tell you to fast in order to treat this?
  • TheHuff_
    TheHuff_ Posts: 39 Member
    edited December 2019
    apullum wrote: »
    You don't have to set MFP to 1.5 lb/week. That might be reasonable for some folks with your stats, but if you can't sustain it, then it's not reasonable for you. I would suggest going for 1 lb/week, losing more slowly, being less miserable.

    Are you diabetic or pre diabetic, and did your doctor specifically tell you to fast in order to treat this?

    Losing weight slower than 1.5 just seems so slow for someone of my weight. I feel like I should get the ball rolling and then ease down to 1lbs a week once I've lost 14lbs or so.

    But maybe I should cave in and lower it to 1lbs as of tomorrow.

    I'm not diabetic or prediabetic as far as I know and no, it wasn't on the doctor's recommendation
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    I would add my 2 cents, but there are better minds than mine here. Several people who have helped me are @fernt21 @cmriverside , @lemurcat2 and @PAV8888 . I hope by tagging there here they will respond. Best wishes..
  • TheHuff_
    TheHuff_ Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you @apullum and thank you @psychod787

    Much appreciated
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    *yawn* :lol: Too early, @psychod787. I've interacted with the OP before.

    TheHuff, I agree that 1.5 pounds per week is too high for you if you can't get this under control. Go to "lose 1 pound."

    Are you getting any exercise? It will help with giving you more calories, and it will help you modulate your emotions.

    I know you live in a culture where lower carb is problematic, However, for some people it can make a deficit much easier. When I was in weight-loss mode I cut out most wheat products because they are fairly high calorie and they are trigger foods for me. Right after I eat them I have an urge to eat more, i.e. "I'm always hungry!!" It was true in a deficit, and it's true now. In weight loss I stopped buying so much bread, I just bought one loaf of whole wheat to have around. I stopped buying wheat based cereals, crackers, of course sweet treats, pretzels, anything made with wheat. I didn't go low carb, but this one change helped me a lot. I limited my wheat products to one or two per day. Not saying it is so for everyone, but worth a try. I still am careful about my wheat intake, it still can trigger me. Not a real popular strategy, but I found it helpful. Of course it goes without saying that for me - I don't have treat foods in the house unless I accept that I will eat them all. Still.

    It is a battle that can be won, but you do have to look at it as an experiment. I had to try all kinds of different things.

  • Safari_Gal_
    Safari_Gal_ Posts: 1,461 Member
    Is it true “hunger” or cravings? So long as you are getting your minimum calories per day - perhaps think of ways to subdue cravings. Have water, tea - make low calorie broth.

    I could eat alll day long. So I swapped to foods that are lower calorie - mostly vegetables and I drink more water.

    I’m blessed to have enough food on my table - and hope you are too.

  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 694 Member
    It might be worth trying more whole grain foods. The fibre can help to feel full.

    For example I can easily put away half a loaf of white bread and still feel hungry, a couple of slices of wholemeal though and I'm happy.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    RachellaJ wrote: »
    I had the same problem when I first started. I was always hungry! I was so used to being able to eat all day every day, that the feeling of hunger was alarming. What I had to learn was that it is ok to feel hungry sometimes. You aren’t going to starve. It’s actually ok to feel hungry for a while before eating your next meal. It took a lot of mental reminders and self talk to learn not to panic about the hungry feeling.

    Some things that help: A really good filling breakfast with plenty of fat, protein and carbs.
    Staying busy! Walk, work, find an absorbing hobby, an exercise you truly like, errands to run, etc.
    Don’t beat yourself up. And make sure your food is satisfying. As long as it fits your calories for the day, and you love it, eat it. I eat pizza every week and make it fit. I haven’t given up a single food that I love.

    Take it slow. I started at a rate of losing 1 pound a week and it was too little food for me, so I have had my goal set for 1/2 pound a week for at least a year and a half. It’s not a race, it’s your life. You’ve got to be patient with the ebbs and flows and plateaus.

    It does get better. Please stick with it. So much of it is mental retraining and being kind to yourself. It’s been 2 years for me and I’ve gone from 226 lbs to 146 currently.

    You are in the right place. This is a great community and has helped me immensely in difficult times.

    How am I supposed to know who you have interacted with? Its not like I stalk you or anything...🤥 I swear, that's not me in your hedges! 😟
  • wilson10102018
    wilson10102018 Posts: 1,306 Member
    Go with the hunger. It is not actually conveying good information to you in that you are apparently eating enough to nourish and move you around. Go with it.

    Suppose it was jelosy. You confirmed with detectives, friends and a polygraph that your partner is not cheating. But, you are still jealous. What to do? Certainly not to act on the jealousy.

    Try the same analysis with fear. Confirm there is nothing to be afraid of. Should you hide, strike out, What to do?

    Same with the hunger. You have the feelings but they do not send you a correct message. Accept them and learn that they do not require you to eat more.
  • TheHuff_
    TheHuff_ Posts: 39 Member
    *yawn* :lol: Too early, @psychod787. I've interacted with the OP before.

    TheHuff, I agree that 1.5 pounds per week is too high for you if you can't get this under control. Go to "lose 1 pound."

    Are you getting any exercise? It will help with giving you more calories, and it will help you modulate your emotions.

    I know you live in a culture where lower carb is problematic, However, for some people it can make a deficit much easier. When I was in weight-loss mode I cut out most wheat products because they are fairly high calorie and they are trigger foods for me. Right after I eat them I have an urge to eat more, i.e. "I'm always hungry!!" It was true in a deficit, and it's true now. In weight loss I stopped buying so much bread, I just bought one loaf of whole wheat to have around. I stopped buying wheat based cereals, crackers, of course sweet treats, pretzels, anything made with wheat. I didn't go low carb, but this one change helped me a lot. I limited my wheat products to one or two per day. Not saying it is so for everyone, but worth a try. I still am careful about my wheat intake, it still can trigger me. Not a real popular strategy, but I found it helpful. Of course it goes without saying that for me - I don't have treat foods in the house unless I accept that I will eat them all. Still.

    It is a battle that can be won, but you do have to look at it as an experiment. I had to try all kinds of different things.

    Thanks so much for your advice! Unfortunately I fell down the stairs and have done my ankle in so I can't really walk at all (except using crutches) until I heal. I have been trying to do some resistance training though.

    When I'm properly dieting I can control my calories very well so I don't tend to eat out of boredom unless I'm eating 'normally'. I just can't shake the hungry feeling. I'll deffo try reducing wheat intake though. Maybe I'll swap it for rice or bulgur?

    Yes I think I'll move it to 1lb a week haha

    Thanks again
  • TheHuff_
    TheHuff_ Posts: 39 Member
    RachellaJ wrote: »
    I had the same problem when I first started. I was always hungry! I was so used to being able to eat all day every day, that the feeling of hunger was alarming. What I had to learn was that it is ok to feel hungry sometimes. You aren’t going to starve. It’s actually ok to feel hungry for a while before eating your next meal. It took a lot of mental reminders and self talk to learn not to panic about the hungry feeling.

    Some things that help: A really good filling breakfast with plenty of fat, protein and carbs.
    Staying busy! Walk, work, find an absorbing hobby, an exercise you truly like, errands to run, etc.
    Don’t beat yourself up. And make sure your food is satisfying. As long as it fits your calories for the day, and you love it, eat it. I eat pizza every week and make it fit. I haven’t given up a single food that I love.

    Take it slow. I started at a rate of losing 1 pound a week and it was too little food for me, so I have had my goal set for 1/2 pound a week for at least a year and a half. It’s not a race, it’s your life. You’ve got to be patient with the ebbs and flows and plateaus.

    It does get better. Please stick with it. So much of it is mental retraining and being kind to yourself. It’s been 2 years for me and I’ve gone from 226 lbs to 146 currently.

    You are in the right place. This is a great community and has helped me immensely in difficult times.

    Wow that was such a great message to read. Thanks so much commenting! Congratulations on your weight loss. You must be so proud of yourself.

    Yes, I've been trying to keep as busy as possible. I can't walk much until my ankle heals though unfortunately so I can't keep 'active' in that sense

    I'm trying to be balanced about this all but today I actually increased my calories and I don't feel better at all. I guess I just have to keep forcing myself to stick to it until my body gets used to eating in this way
  • TheHuff_
    TheHuff_ Posts: 39 Member
    It might be worth trying more whole grain foods. The fibre can help to feel full.

    For example I can easily put away half a loaf of white bread and still feel hungry, a couple of slices of wholemeal though and I'm happy.

    Thank you!! I tend to only ever eat whole-wheat breads and pittas. I do eat white rice though and I mix it in with vegetables alongside whatever it is that I'm eating.

    Thanks for the tip!
  • TheHuff_
    TheHuff_ Posts: 39 Member
    Is it true “hunger” or cravings? So long as you are getting your minimum calories per day - perhaps think of ways to subdue cravings. Have water, tea - make low calorie broth.

    I could eat alll day long. So I swapped to foods that are lower calorie - mostly vegetables and I drink more water.

    I’m blessed to have enough food on my table - and hope you are too.

    I think it's true hunger to be honest. I feel completely awful, recently accompanied by nausea and dizziness. I'm not even eating thaaat little. I was eating on average around 1100-1350 calories and not moving much (as I'm unable to walk at the moment) for the last 2 weeks. Today I ate much more though to try to 'reset' my hunger hormones and tomorrow I plan to drop back down to around 1400?

    I don't know. I know it sounds crazy but it's genuine hunger. I can stick to this diet. It's just so mentally and physically uncomfortable. I find it hard to sleep at night due to hunger. In the morning I feel so sick that even water makes me want to puke. And these feelings only started in the last 7-10 days or so.

    Hopefully it'll all improve. I'll stick with it and keep up a healthy diet with plenty of vegetables and will see what happens!
  • TheHuff_
    TheHuff_ Posts: 39 Member
    Go with the hunger. It is not actually conveying good information to you in that you are apparently eating enough to nourish and move you around. Go with it.

    Suppose it was jelosy. You confirmed with detectives, friends and a polygraph that your partner is not cheating. But, you are still jealous. What to do? Certainly not to act on the jealousy.

    Try the same analysis with fear. Confirm there is nothing to be afraid of. Should you hide, strike out, What to do?

    Same with the hunger. You have the feelings but they do not send you a correct message. Accept them and learn that they do not require you to eat more.

    Hiya there, I like the analogy. Thanks so much sharing!

    I can accept the hunger in and of itself but the symptoms that come with it (nausea, dizziness, inability to sleep, constantly thinking about food) are quite difficult to bear haha