Weightlifting splits

I'm a young 62 yrs old, and a newer weightlifter. My current split is as follows:
Tuesday - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Wednesday - Aerobics
Thursday - Legs, back, biceps
Thursday - Aerobics
Friday - off
Saturday - start routine over so that in one week I hit Chest... twice, the next week Legs... twice.

I also walk the dog about 30 minutes everyday (more for her than me). My question is, am I resting the major muscle group too much between lifts? I've been considering just changing to Squats, Bench, Bent Rows, Dead Lifts and Shoulder presses T, Th, and Sat. to increase strength. I guess I should mention that I've lost 36lbs (thanks MyFitnessPal) in the last year, and lost more muscle than I thought I would as I wasn't lifting at all. I would appreciate informed opinions.



  • mds1207
    mds1207 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks happysquatter for the very complete and thoughtful response. I've already started with several YouTube videos and have had a session with a trainer at Planet Fitness. My total focus now is form, and things seem to be going well.