Accountability partners

Heyy, I'm Emily.
I've been at this for a little over a month now. I've gotten some results but I'd really like to push myself further and keep losing weight. I've lost 7 pounds so far and I have a very long way to go even though I still love myself as I am. I just want to continue to progress so i can be the best version of myself and it would be really nice to have someone as an accountability partner so we can motivate each other especially on the days I just want to give up because let's be honest we all have a day where we aren't feelin it. I allow myself a cheat day sometimes but I'd really like to stay on track, work out more, and just be as healthy as possible. I look forward to meeting new people. Together we are stronger and we can accomplish our goals!
Thanks ✌😜


  • SheSaTzu
    SheSaTzu Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Emily,
    You have an amazing idea! I'm 169lbs, I gained about 50 pounds in 2 years and this is my last resort to getting back to where I used to be.
  • Jellygrl
    Jellygrl Posts: 112 Member
    Hi Emily
    Friend request sent. It's great to have support from others and sharing the ups and downs.
  • MrsCarter092911
    MrsCarter092911 Posts: 13 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me also I need accountability buddies and just all around great motivational people to add! 😊
  • DiamndMnd
    DiamndMnd Posts: 59 Member
    Feel free to add me! Love the support and motivation 😊
  • mfpphoenixx
    mfpphoenixx Posts: 19 Member
    Anyone looking for buddies add me too please😀😀
  • rahimlj
    rahimlj Posts: 239 Member
    Looking for something similar. Currently down about 20lbs. Still have a bit to go until my goal weight. Losing fat and trying to gain a bit more muscle is my goal.
    Feel free to add ✌️
  • oann845
    oann845 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me