Losing my motivation😞

I started back on my fitness journey 1 year after having my second child. It's been tough. I started November 24th, SW 186-190. It keeps going up and down. Right after having my second child I weighed in at 205 and was able to gradually get down to 190. But since ive started exercising I can't seem to get any lower! Am I being impatient? I am being consistent as much as I can.
I guess cause It wasn't at hard as it is now for me to lose weight compared to when I started after having my 1st child. At my heaviest of 260 pounds I was able to lose weight so fast and get down to 139. I had to stop working out cause I was trying to having a baby and after my 1st miscarriage my dr told me to take it easy. That's when I started gaining again. But during that time when I was losing all that weight I never had any trouble. Yes I would hit a plateau ever now and again, but it wouldnt last too long.
I dont know, I'm just losing my motivation to keep going cause I'm not see the numbers go down how I want. 😞 This app has helped me in the past so I'm coming back to see if counting calories and getting some support will help.


  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Pull out that digital food scale and get to it. I agree with Elizabeth, take it easy on yourself and do what you can. Take a good look at how much you're eating and analyze that. Make a few changes at a time. Taking care of small children gives you exercise right there--especially lifting and running. The kids will grow up and you'll eventually take your life back. Good luck.
  • cassandra25532
    cassandra25532 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you everyone fuhr the advice! Im going to be changing things up a bit and definitely count my calories this time around.