2020 Will Be My Year.....Who Else Will Make It Theirs?!

Hello All!

Nothing like getting the 2020 changes started a couple of weeks early. I have weighed in, heavier that ever, this morning. I get short of breath walking around my apartment. It's ridiculous. I am embarrassed. Depressed. Exhausted. My knees are an Orchestra of clicks on pops when I get up.

Now, don't take the above as me going "poor me." Oh no, it's the opposite. It's a call to action. I am EXCITED for the challenge. I have a lot of plans in 2020, and ready for it to make it my year.

A little about my interests, Star Wars nerd, into Space and Science, sports fan. Really plan to travel and expand my photography, a little more.

Looking for anyone that has hit rock bottom and ready to make those changes. Looking for freinds. Good laughs, good recipes, maybe a few Star Wars nerds and photographers to share work with. I want this to not just be a calorie counting app, but a home!


  • Sweatspiration
    Sweatspiration Posts: 33 Member
    Your excitement will help get you through later enthusiasm dips! Feel free to friend me and good luck!
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    I don't usually make new year's resolutions. But, I am really pumped/focused on making 2020 a great year. Maybe it's the nice round number, lol...
  • 1_step_closer
    1_step_closer Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2019
    Bring it on -2020 is going to be my year also lets do this together !!! :smiley:
  • calllokesh31
    calllokesh31 Posts: 1 Member
    I’ll achieve my health goals in 2020
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I started MFP last May 28 and as of this morning I am down 56 lbs...that is almost 2 lbs a week...2020 will be my year to finally get all of my weight off!.....has it been difficult?...not as hard as I thought it would be....I still have 100 lbs to go but I know I can do this!...if I can do it, anyone can!...friend me if you want to make 2020 your year,too!
  • xcc670
    xcc670 Posts: 98 Member
    I am excited. I realized that I lost 21 pounds. It may not sound like much but I don't have a clear working plan for weight loss. I am 184 and may next goal is 179. I think it should take 5 weeks at one pound a week.