Lose 5 lbs > feel good > ease up restrictions > gain 5 lbs

I have a goal of losing 15 lbs to reach my pre pregnancy weight... it's been 5 years. I've gotten very close, but I lose motivation when I get too close to my goal, which seems pretty counterintuitive. Most of my MFP friends have gone inactive so I'd like to try to find some more.

I have an open diary. I try to eat clean, low carb and gluten free. I meal prep on sundays for all three meals for my workweek.

I also work out- 3 days of cardio and 3 days of cardio+weights.

I want to share more of what's working for me and see more motivation on my feed. add me, fit friends!


  • amy19355
    amy19355 Posts: 805 Member
    Have you set your goals in MFP with your current and goal weights?
    Do you have a nice digital food scale?

    I meal prep also, and with a food scale and MFP, it's never been easier for me to stay focused and on track.

    good luck to you!
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,327 Member
    When you say you "ease up your traditions" (in your title), do you mean your caloric restrictions or other restrictions limiting what you can eat?
    Because, unless you have medical reasons for restricting what foods you can eat, you can eat whatever you want, just in the appropriate quantities.
    I'm wondering if you are perhaps restrictive in an unsustainable way? Imposing restrictions for weight loss and then going back to 'normal eating' and gaining weight, instead of making changes you can keep up after you switch to maintenance?
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,733 Member
    About losing motivation closer to goal, this happened to me too. Seemed like a weird time to go in a slump! I think on my case I never believed I'd accomplish the weight loss. Another issue is what is the next goal once you reach it? Health doesn't stop with a number. As much as I wanted to reach "100lbs down exactly " this started because I have health issues I wanted to improve. I've been working out so turning my focus towards fitness goals helped motivate me. Slowing down on weight loss closer to goal is helpful in changing the mindset to maintaining without it being too much of a shock. Now at maintenance I went through a slump and am slowly coming out of it, it's a struggle on this side too and I'm trying to find a good balance. Just thought I'd share my experience in case it helps.