2nd day and feeling motivated!!

this is my 2nd day . a group of us from work are all doing this together and i am so excited to start seeing some results. is staying with in my callorie limit enough??


  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    Hi There: I just started yesterday and two of my co-workers ahve started toay. It's great to have partners in crime.
  • Caitie1986
    Caitie1986 Posts: 72 Member
    Its great to have that accountability. I joined because my mom did, and then my husband joined because I was on. Together we have all lost the equivalent of 1 supermodel!
  • Staying within your calorie goal may be enough. For the most part, that is what I have done. I have taken some walks and rode my bike a little. I've lost 7 lbs in the last 2 weeks just by altering my diet. Good luck!!
  • this is my 2nd day . a group of us from work are all doing this together and i am so excited to start seeing some results. is staying with in my callorie limit enough??

    If you are maintaining your weight it might be enough. Workouts are always great for many reasons other than to drop a few lbs. But staying within your calorie goal will probably make you feel a lot better and want to be more active in general. good luck.
  • I'm down 11 pounds so far and have barely been exercising. I know I need to get off my butt more often. But just watching your calories is effective. I feel great and cannot wait to reach my goal. Best of luck to everyone!
  • This is my 2nd week and I lost 6.2 my first week with about 4 days of exercising. This week so far I haven't exercised at all. Anxious to see how it affects my weight loss. Good luck!
  • Hi...a group of us from work are doing this too. We are actualy doing a "biggest looser" challenge and have broken down into teams. I love this site and I will continue using it after our 3month challenge.:smile:
  • its so awesome to see everyones different results. i cant wait to start seeing so pounds fall off. as of now im not working out but i deff want to . im eating whatever i want as long as it stays in my callorie range. im trying to eat a bigger breakfast carb wise and not so much throughout the day
  • hw long have u been doing it?
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    good luck!! the hardest part is the first week or so. you might have a little trouble staying under your calorie goal, but don't worry, log it in anyway. if you eat it, you write it!!

    and my advice, log what you're going to eat the night before. that way, you can plan out meals and stick to your diet!!
  • write2sonya
    write2sonya Posts: 165 Member
    Hi there,

    First off let me welcome you to the site! I too was referred to the site from my friend/co worker. I agree it is great to have support at work since you seem to be at work more than you are at home :sad:
    You will find tons of great info on the site and a lot of inspiration.

    Re: your question – “is staying within my calorie limit enough”? I would that all depends. If you are working out than you will need to eat some of those calories back in order to fuel your body (however that is debatable if you check out the threads on the site).
    Take some time to research the Community boards and see what works for different people… there are a lot of little tricks to learn :wink:

    Please feel free to add me!
  • cleoleigh
    cleoleigh Posts: 76 Member
    Diet alone can make a big impact...however...to be as healthy as you can be is the goal right? Well, you'll need the exercise too. Not only will it speed weight loss, but it will you keep it off since a tones body burns more than a skinny one ;) Start slow, work up to it!

    Add to that, your heart and lungs will function better, hormones are more balanced and endorphins just feel great!! :o)