30 year old nerd seeking friends

Specifically for motivation! :)

I'm into anime, star trek, video games, role-playing games (DnD & Vampire), board games and reading post apocalyptic novels.

I have no children, but two romantic partners. We act like children so it equals out.

I'm flexitarian, so mostly vegetarian, sometimes vegan, with meat maybe once a week.

I'm big into walking and hiking :)

Tell me about you, oh possible friend-o!


  • katsheare
    katsheare Posts: 1,025 Member
    Hello, welcome and enjoy the ride!

    Keep an eye on the Challenges board https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/categories/challenges There are plenty of nerdly-framed opportunities that allow you to tap your inner collaborative competitor.
  • LadyOrigami
    LadyOrigami Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Rambunction! I love video games and anime and things like that too haha. Seems like we have a lot of the same interests, hope we can be friends and support each other! I'm 26!
  • jenferbar
    jenferbar Posts: 57 Member
    edited December 2019
    Fellow nerd here...love video games and board games, lifelong star wars fan (saw the original at 6 yrs old when it was released), reading, nature and animal lover, science junkie. I'm into post apocolyptic books and movies...my husband, not so much. Eat meat only a few times each week, so I understand finding protein on meat free days. I enjoy hiking too, but won't do it alone in our area due to the bears and coyotes in the neighborhood. We (my husband and I) tend to do a few hikes on vacation together...need to start doing it locally, as well. Just have our furbabies...currently two 6yo cats. Just lost our 11yo calico to kidney failure...so will be adding a pair of kittens in the near future.
    Hopefully we can all chat and help each other. : )
  • yumesoraki
    yumesoraki Posts: 4,859 Member
    Yo! Welcome. I agree with @katsheare plenty of nerdy challenges out there - I've definitely been involved in several.
    Anime, HP, video games (just finished Fallen Order), bullet journalling, DnD (well, I did and our DM kinda went MIA...so that's on pause) and research (academia in psychology). I'm 33. I'm looking to reboot goals with the new year.
  • jeagogo
    jeagogo Posts: 179 Member
    Also a big ol' nerd over here. DnD, Star Trek, comics (manga and super hero stuff), and sci-fi/fantasy books. As a nerd, gotta say DnD is rough on the diet part of trying to be healthy. So much snacking...
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    Hey nerd married to nerd with a purebred nerd son!

    I have had a lot of fun with the augmented reality game app, Zombies, Run! (Which despite the name it can be used at a walking pace). I recommend it for those with active imaginations and a love of video games.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,223 Member
    Fellow 30yo equal-opportunity nerd over here. Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Tolkien, gaming, cosplay, DnD, etc. I started lifting in 2015 when I decided to start putting together a Captain America costume and I'm now probably as big of a nerd about working out as I am about anything else. My son just turned 1 a few weeks ago so I'm looking forward to introducing him to all the different fandoms as he gets older.
  • ellie117
    ellie117 Posts: 293 Member
    Hello there! I turn 30 in just a few weeks, hope I count!

    Doctor Who, DnD, LOTR, Star Wars. Our DM wrote her first mini-campaign and we are doing it this weekend. As @jeagogo mentioned above, how do you guys stay on track during a long session with so many snacks? I could eat cheese and crackers for literal hours.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,223 Member
    ellie117 wrote: »
    Hello there! I turn 30 in just a few weeks, hope I count!

    Doctor Who, DnD, LOTR, Star Wars. Our DM wrote her first mini-campaign and we are doing it this weekend. As @jeagogo mentioned above, how do you guys stay on track during a long session with so many snacks? I could eat cheese and crackers for literal hours.

    It's not really a hot tip or anything but... I just don't? I'm big on pre-logging everything, internal monologue-wise I find it more helpful/successful to tell myself "what is logged it what my body needs" rather than "I can't have that"
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Well, I'm here every day...and my food diary is open...though it's full of dead animals, so read at your own peril!!!
  • petitchatnoir41
    petitchatnoir41 Posts: 56 Member
    I am a special kind of nerd. I like psychology, anthropology and sociology. I crochet a great deal and make art. I love kitties and have a mini black panther named Stoner. (See picture) I am vegetarian but weekends with meat since we have to eat what meat is left in the house. I recently transitioned due to having gastroparesis and meat being hard to digest.
  • SDane86
    SDane86 Posts: 7 Member

    Fellow nerd, here. Mainly Star Wars and Skyrim/Elder Scrolls, and The Witcher. 5 days into my journey to lose 250 pounds. Add me, if you'd like.
  • qmracer
    qmracer Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I love board games, what are your favorites?