Motivation & meal ideas

Hi y’all I am new to this please discuss with me what you’ve done to achieve your weight loss. I’m a mom of two and have never lost my weight pre pregnancy that’s 23 years ago. What is best to drink for a flatter tummy and reduce cravings I’m a sweet tooth so find it difficult to stay completely away from sugar based foods. I try tho’ it’s hard in the afternoon I’m craving sweet something so I get a fruit. What do y’all do ??


  • drwengereric
    drwengereric Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Gina, I’m fairly new here as well, and I’m a dr as well. Still perusing this platform, that is how I found your page, however.. here are some tips

    •Consider cutting down on your calorie intake
    •Protein shakes(since you are sweet toothed, there are some healthier menus that can help)
    •Incorporate cardio exercises etc
    •Walk at least 40mins a day
  • amy19355
    amy19355 Posts: 805 Member
    I use MFP to set my calorie goals, meal prep most of my food in advance, use a scale to weigh my food portions so I stay within my calorie budget, and, most importantly (to me) , I work in portion-appropriate amounts of ALL the foods I enjoy eating.

    Try replacing the sweet drink with sparkling water and a slice of citrus as a start for a week or so.

    Relish the small successes and use them to motivate you forward, one day at a time.

    good luck to you.