Hello MFP community! I have arrived lol....

Just checking in to say hello to everyone and let MFP know how happy i am with this tool! Its awesome and has been so helpful in my attempt to lose weight and get healthy! Im a type II diabetic and am trying so hard to avoid having to take medication. I've lost 21 lbs so far and plan to keep going! I have 3 little boys and am trying to set a good example for them by getting active and eating healthfully. So here i am, an open book! Thanks for listening and keep working everyone, your goals are attainable if you work hard and commit! im doing it! :)


  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    Welcome girl...it's great that you are getting healthy and teaching your children good habits...Congratulations on your weight loss this far.

    Blessings sweetie, and you are right your dreams are attainable if you only commit...
  • RocketsGirl75
    Indeed you have arrived! Love the hair and the vibe! Good luck reaching your goals!
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Awesome!! So glad you've found the MFP community! I'm confident all the tools and support available on this site will get you to where you want to be. :) We're here for you!
  • PatientBearTiger
    Just checking in to say hello to everyone and let MFP know how happy i am with this tool!

    That's what she said.
  • thirty2fouettes
  • Danelyh
    I am also type II Diabetic and have hypothyroidism. It have been very hard for me to lose weight, but this site and the people on it have really helped keep me motivated and focused. When I am ready to give up I hop on FMP and end up feeling better. Congrats on the weight loss. That's great about the kids. Keep it up!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member

    Well, it seems like you have a good sense of humor. You'll do just fine here! Welcome to MFP!
  • firefightinflip
    Welcome and good luck! This website rocks my socks! You should add me my friends and I are a fun crowd and very positive!!