Mfp glitches

I can’t see my profile.. can’t see my feed etc. I am surprised community works. I CAN access my diary and update my weight so I did that. Sometimes my diary freezes so since it has been pissing me off I just have been logging my calories on a calculator on my phone for now. Anyone else having issues with the app AND website ?


  • FinelyFermented
    FinelyFermented Posts: 102 Member
    I have no feed, nor can I see any friends. This app has lost its mind
  • MelodiousMermaid
    MelodiousMermaid Posts: 380 Member
    I can see most of the standard stuff, but cannot see my profile, and my news feed is broken. I can see my friends. I have checked this in both the app and website, and have done the standard clearing of the cache, etc. and no change.

    On the up side, I can now see all my meals/foods for the diary. Wish it would stop being so buggy though. Badges were not worth this trouble at all.
  • 811mimi
    811mimi Posts: 14 Member
    I do not have any newsfeed either. It happened yesterday ( 12/21/19) and corrected itself a little later. Now this morning it is doing it again. Hope the issue is corrected and remains corrected.
  • kathyflannery129
    kathyflannery129 Posts: 151 Member
    yeah my feed is gone also, thought it was only me...LOL
  • Privatesandbank
    Privatesandbank Posts: 41 Member
    Wow guys MFP better get it’s bleep together
  • Hollis100
    Hollis100 Posts: 1,408 Member
    I can’t see my profile.. can’t see my feed etc. I am surprised community works. I CAN access my diary and update my weight so I did that. Sometimes my diary freezes so since it has been pissing me off I just have been logging my calories on a calculator on my phone for now. Anyone else having issues with the app AND website ?

    Yes, same thing here. At least I can log my food and sometimes log my exercise. No newsfeed, no profile.
  • countrycreek
    countrycreek Posts: 753 Member
    Yep.. no profile. Hopefully it will work soon.
  • MM1FitLife
    MM1FitLife Posts: 24 Member
    App and website for the past two days.. Hopefully it's fixed soon.
  • nodau_iach
    nodau_iach Posts: 77 Member
    Can't access profile and some other area's either. :*
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    The news feed is valuable to me. I hope it is returned to service soon.
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    Let's just posit that Under Armor doesn't think of MFP as its crown jewel.

    I used to use a website/forum that started to malfunction and the users just kinda ignored the problems and kept going. The problems stacked on top of each other until the whole thing came crashing down, at which point everyone discovered there'd been no one in charge for over a year - literally no one monitoring the site at all, just users using it until it fell apart LOL
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    Since UA purchased MFP, it's just been one problem after another, each getting worse as time goes on. Let's face it, all they wanted was our emails so they can send up ad after ad to purchase their overpriced gear (Yes, it's good gear, but STILL!)

    And @Igfrie ...was that site, by any chance, called Calorie Count? I left for a few months, and came back to find it GONE! Still miss that place, it was SO much better than MFP!
  • pizzafruit
    pizzafruit Posts: 317 Member
    I had posted last week that my husband heard that UA was in financial trouble. I got a response stating that the rumor was untrue. These types of ongoing, unresolved problems makes me wonder how long MFP will continue to exist and whether I'll continuing using this sight.
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    poisonesse wrote: »
    Since UA purchased MFP, it's just been one problem after another, each getting worse as time goes on. Let's face it, all they wanted was our emails so they can send up ad after ad to purchase their overpriced gear (Yes, it's good gear, but STILL!)

    And @Igfrie ...was that site, by any chance, called Calorie Count? I left for a few months, and came back to find it GONE! Still miss that place, it was SO much better than MFP!

    No, it was a site for hot pepper growers. Back in 2010-2014, I was extensively growing habaneros, fatalis, jalapenos, etc. as a hobby. It might not sound like something that'd have a huge user base, but there were quite a few of us, all on one site with a discussion forum, articles, etc. The site started to fall apart and later we found out the founder had lost interest in it and left, it was literally unmonitored until it completely collapsed LOL
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,863 Member
    Hope they fix it soon