Protein often?

Hello everyone! I have recently become a vegetarian but I am also training for my first half marathon in October. Even before I became vegetarian I never ate much protein (not a meat lover). Everyday I am around 30g of protein under my suggested goal (60g). My milage is around 25-35miles a week. I am concerned about my protein intake and my body because I don't want to be burning up muscle. I bought some protein bars today that have 20g of protein and they are 200 calories. How often should I eat these? I plan on eating one after my long runs, but other than that not sure how much is too much or too little! Advise please! P.S. I am 20 years old at 5'2 and 105 lbs.


  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    quinoa, coconut, protein shakes.... hmm.... what else....
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You should be getting protein from more natural sources. I would limit yourself to one per day... try to get more protein from eggs (if you eat them), beans (black beans, chickpeas, black eye peas are all great sources and pretty healthy - just rinse WELL if you get canned), etc. You should be able to aim for about 20g protein per meal. You can check my diary for ideas. Also, Kashi cereals are great. The one I'm eating now is 13g per serving for 1 cup... also greek yogurt. Fage 0% individual yogurts are 13g protein and no fat.
  • trilikeagirl
    Your protein numbers on MFP are on the low end of the scale, so definitely meet those (they will change based on your training day) and don't worry if you exceed them. Try adding a scoop or two of protein powder to smoothies or drink w skim milk following a workout. Great luck on your race!!
  • JJLive
    JJLive Posts: 88 Member
    I have the same bars and I usually have one per day when I workout as a snack, although I aim for 300g of protein, but usually am lucky if I hit 250g.. never have hit 300 yet.
  • soknurdy
    soknurdy Posts: 74 Member
    I second the vote for more natural sources. Beans, nuts and soy is a great way to fill in those extra points. Some carbs also have extra protein inside, just take a look at the nutrition facts at the grocery store for the best bang for buck. (o: Good luck!

    Oh yeah, protein bars and shakes give you.. protein... farts. JUST SO YOU KNOW! (o:
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    You should be getting protein from more natural sources. I would limit yourself to one per day... try to get more protein from eggs (if you eat them), beans (black beans, chickpeas, black eye peas are all great sources and pretty healthy - just rinse WELL if you get canned), etc. You should be able to aim for about 20g protein per meal. You can check my diary for ideas. Also, Kashi cereals are great. The one I'm eating now is 13g per serving for 1 cup... also greek yogurt. Fage 0% individual yogurts are 13g protein and no fat.

    YES...this. ^^^ (but Fage 2% is great as well...super creamy!)
  • SpartanTrainer
    No more than 1 per day at the most. You can get your protein through other sources such as shakes, beans, etc. A book you might want to check out is "Thrive - The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life" - Brendan Brazier
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    20g of protein at 200 cals means there's 120 calories of something else, probably mostly carbs with a bit of fat and quite a bit of processed sugar. For extra protein, you can go for things like cottage cheese and eggs.
    If you don't have time to prepare food, you can get whey protein powder which is almost entirely protein.
  • kelldoll
    kelldoll Posts: 14 Member
    My breakfast is DotFit whey protein powder in coffee, and any of the following:
    1) yogurt with flax
    2) egg/potato/cheese dish
    3) egg/cheese/whole wheat english muffin.

    This combo gives me nearly 30g's straight out of the gate.

    Mid-AM is Zone protein bar (Mmmm... dark chocolate ALMOOOOND).That's another 12-16g's

    Then, if I have time to prep it, I adore romaine with baked/diced chicken or tuna with almonds (salad). That tosses another 13-24 g's in there.

    This is all of course balanced out with LOTS of water and a huge, heapin', helpin' of fiber.

    I agree with everyone else here. Find natural sources. Then, if needed, find a good whey protein supplement that has good quality isolates. Steer clear of exclusive soy based products. This was the advice given to me by a friend that is a body builder and personal trainer.

    Best of luck to you in your marathon!!! : )

  • Crystalchaos72
    Edamame and tofu......not together but those are good sources of protein that are vegetarian.....that is all I can think of aside from what has been said on here already
    Good luck!