What was your surprise accomplishment in 2019?!

lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
edited December 2019 in Fitness and Exercise
Which fitness accomplishment in 2019 surprised you a little bit, or a lot?

For me it was cycling 1060 miles. Last Jan I had a grand total of 85 miles biking experience. I had many opportunities to ride this summer and loved every minute. Never expected to get over 1,000 mi this year! Looking forward to what next year holds



  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    My accomplishments are much tinier.

    I lost 32kg and got to goal weight - but my surprise accomplishments were:
    1. from only being able to plank for 20 seconds, I could plank for 2 minutes
    2. I could walk up a hill/stairs without feeling like I was going to die

    That is awesome! I can completely understand your second point because that was literally my relationship with stairs/hills when I began my weightloss journey about 7 years ago. Congrats! :)
  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    My husband and I unexpectedly ran an ultra marathon! At the last minute my husband and I entered the Tour d’Esprit 24 hour race, which is a time based race during which you run as many circuits of a 1 mile course, both roads and trails, as possible. We had not been training for anything more than 10k, and had never previously run longer than a half marathon. We figured we would do at least 10k, since a glance at previous years’ results showed that the majority of people in our age group did 10k, attend the spaghetti dinner at the race site, and then see what we had left in the tank.

    We ended up doing 11 miles before dinnertime. A half is 13.1 miles so it seemed obvious we should do at least a half, since it was only a couple more miles. Then we said, hey, if we just do that again we will have run a marathon! So we did 27 miles that night. And then we got a little sleep and said, 27 miles is technically an ultra since it’s longer than a marathon but it’s kind of weency for an ultra, why not do a few more miles and call it 50k? So we did a few more miles and ended up running our first 50k.

    It’s not something I planned to do, and I doubt I will do it regularly, but we enjoyed running all through the night in the wilderness, passing other runners quietly struggling in the darkness, checking in with the guys at the timing booth each circuit. A 24 hour race is very different from a 5k!

    From one runner to another... WOW! :)
  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Which fitness accomplishment in 2019 surprised you a little bit, or a lot?

    For me it was cycling 1060 miles. Last Jan I had a grand total of 85 miles biking experience. I had many opportunities to ride this summer and loved every minute. Never expected to get over 1,000 mi this year! Looking forward to what next year holds


    You are absolutely radiant in that pic! Congrats! :)
  • chris89topher
    chris89topher Posts: 389 Member
    Two of my biggest accomplishments were continued daily exercise, even when I REALLY didn't want to. And becoming vegetarian. That is something I have ALWAYS wanted to try for as long as I can remember. Finally attempted going veggie at the beginning of 2019 and I LOVE IT. It's a lot of fun trying all kinds of different foods and combinations of foods. I've tried so many things I've never eaten before. For example, Jicama, rutabagas and acorn squash to name just a few. Where have they been all my life?? Yum!
  • Lolinloggen
    Lolinloggen Posts: 466 Member
    I had planned the Tongariro Alpine Crossing in NZ in 2019 and we did it. My surprise was the ease I did it with I am not a good climber and the steepness and height difference of this one-day hike is quite dramatic Still my husband and I did it in a very decent 6.5 hours.

    The real surprise was my walk fro my husband's work to our home. I took the scenic coastal and parks route as much as I could. Took me 8 hours or so and was 36.4km a well as 56K steps completing all my Garmin steps related badges
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,121 Member
    Probably the half marathon I ran last January!!

    I'm a cyclist, especially a long distance cyclists ... I've dabbled in running now and then, but didn't really expect to ever actually run anything as long as a half marathon!
  • Lobsterboxtops
    Lobsterboxtops Posts: 92 Member
    November 2018 I started rowing on my concept 2. In 2019, I finished several challenges, rowed all available days (I travel for work and pleasure) except for 13 days. And I made it to 1million meters! Basically everything was a surprise accomplishment as far as rowing goes.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,811 Member
    I can run 5k at a time. Running wasn't even on my radar at the beginning of the year. I hadn't run in 40+ years, and even then was under duress in PE class. Once I started running, my goal was to run, with my daughter, the 5k path around the lake where she lives. We did that a week or two ago.

    My 2019 goal was to get an arm balance in yoga. I've gotten several variations, and am working on headstand in the middle of the room. Lost confidence after getting one up and then taking a noisy and embarassing fall in the middle of a crowded class. However, getting one up at all was a surprise accomplishment in and of itself.

    So 2020 goal is a headstand in the middle of the room. I can easily balance on my elbows, it's just getting the dad gum feet up in the air!