Getting ready for being 30

Hi all, I am just starting on my weight loss as I want to get to looking my best before I hit the big 30 - and I have given myself a year to do it. I want to lose about 5 stone in all but this year is about changing habits so that I can get on it. Any advice and motivation would be appreciated but I look forward to getting to know you all :) H


  • gooner_dave1
    gooner_dave1 Posts: 47 Member
    I've found cutting out cake crisps chocolate and fizzy drinks and sweets with exercise any form,the more the better is a very good start and drink lots of water
  • imabeevampire
    imabeevampire Posts: 166 Member
    Oh what a great goal! I'm 30 next year too, would love to reach my goal by then.
    Keep tracking and weighing your food, keep moving and recognise that bad days happen, but its not the end of the world :)
  • steph2strong
    steph2strong Posts: 426 Member
    My biggest piece of advice would be to not take on too much at once. Make small changes, master those and build on the successes. Experiment with your self and find what works for you, enjoy the process and find what makes you happy, feel your best and most energized. Prepare for the fact that things aren't going to go seamlessly, there will be setbacks and times when you feel defeated, but the key is to never give up and never feel like a failure, just look at whats going on and learn from it, keep moving forward towards your goals. Set realistic expectations. Look at this as a learning process and a process of bettering your health and life for the future, not as an arbitrary amount of time to reach a certain number on the scale. This is a time to experiment, find foods and ways of eating you enjoy and that work within the context of your life, find exercise and forms of movement you enjoy and work within the context of your life. Stay positive and do something every day that helps you move toward your goal. Good luck!