Inspiration is over rated......

Whats needed is commitment, focus and action.


  • MrKilt
    MrKilt Posts: 36 Member
    P.S. Happy New Year!
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,007 Member
    MrKilt wrote: »
    Whats needed is commitment, focus and action.

    True, but I would say MOTIVATION is overrated more. The only person who can motivate you is YOU
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,482 Member
    Newton’s first law of physics is an object at rest tends to stay at rest.

    You’ve sent me running to my dictionary app. Inspire is derived from Latin- inspīrāre to breathe upon or into. Motive, the root of motivation is derived from Latin for “to move.” One definition of motive is- that which causes movement.

    We aren’t going anywhere in our weight loss journeys without that initial movement or first breath.

    But after that you can count me among the motivation skeptics. Agree that motivation is overrated. I think what people are hoping for in nonstop motivation is that their weight loss program is going to feel good all the time. Kind of reminds me of falling in love and expecting the initial rush to last forever.

    On a prior trip to the dictionary I looked up the difference between motivation and determination. Where motivation starts movement, determination has the element that something is settled, finished. If motivation gets us started, determination sees a project through to competition.
  • MrKilt
    MrKilt Posts: 36 Member
    So, inspiration is the spark, motivation is puuting the foot to the floor, but commitment/determination is the fuel in the tank. But mechanical metaphors avpid the trials of human psyche, as well as the trauma of good food and wine!!
  • MrKilt
    MrKilt Posts: 36 Member
    Determination and focus, then. 👍
  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    Resilience is also needed. Inevitably something will come along to derail your weight loss.