Sept. 1st FRESH start

I been doing HORRIBLY since i got injured on doing anything - No exercise really, Not tracking foods, eating whatever I been doing horrible.

Its Sept 1st fresh start and soon it will be the "holidays" where everyone seems to slip - I CAN DO THIS - but need the motivation I been lacking !!


  • deisha
    deisha Posts: 122 Member
    I am joining a challenge with a few other MFPs for September. Feel free to join for motivation and support needed. :)
  • janagardner
    janagardner Posts: 11 Member
    You could do it! Take one step at a time.. Try tracking all your foods. when you write down what you eat you realize how much food your eating and it will stop you from over eating. Don't cheat on writing things down.. Every bite counts.

    Fresh start is today and you could do it!
  • howellco
    I need this fresh start outlook as well. I have been getting frustrated with myself as well and want to look the best I have in a long time for the holidays- when we all start to slip! It's time to re focus, and re-engaging our selves! I have challenged myself to complete 100 miles (Running or biking) in the month of September! I have never been able to get over 50, so this is really pushing myself and hard! We got this!
  • georgiag111
    Thanks things dont help when the baby 61/2 months is either teething or sick and myself woke up - or lack of waking up ( She was up every hour last night roughly) I am sick too with either a sinus infection or something in that sense UH!!! All I want to do is lay around and sleep having 6 kids and a husband who travels M-Fri is EXHAUSTING not to mention sick on top of it!