maintaining weight while pregnant

xcarolineno Posts: 2 Member
edited January 2020 in Motivation and Support
Hi all,

I am wondering if there are any other pregnant people out here and if so can we please commune? Lol. :)

I am (only 8 wks) pregnant with my 2nd child. With my first child, I started about 40lbs heavier than I am now, gained 5lbs or so during pregnancy, and lost the 40lbs (or so) with little effort after she was born while breastfeeding and being in the crazy vortex that is new parenthood. I was very happy with that weight, but it is still considered "overweight" (185lbs, 5'6"), and honestly on the verge of "obese" (however, that doesn't bother me considering my curvy body type and the fact that never have I ever been skinnier than that as an adult, so it seemed great to me). I also maintained this weight for two years with no issues, which was fantastic. ANYWAY.

Since becoming pregnant again, my weight has gone up to 193, which is probably from bloating and also eating limited types of foods (eggs, whole wheat bread, apple sauce, etc) constantly due to nausea, which is no fun. Also last pregnancy I experienced a lot of food aversions, which I don't have so bad this time, but I still remember that I did initially gain 5lbs or so right away, and then my weight stabilized for my entire pregnancy, which was nice. I really made sure to eat well in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters after I was feeling better, and I live in a city so I walk everywhere and take the subway (which you might not realize involves climbing a bazillion stairs every day). I also work on the 5th floor in a walk-up building, so I get regular exercise anyway.

REGARDLESS, the beginning of my first pregnancy was this time three years ago, so I don't remember clearly what I did, or if I felt bad about gaining a little weight to start (probably!) or how or when things stablized (guessing 2nd trimester). But now I am feeling a bit paranoid so I started using this app again so that I can make sure I'm not going totally bonkers with the food (it's possible excessive toast consumption led to the 7lbs I've gained in two months). I can tell in pictures I look different - bloated or chubbier, and although it doesn't bother me as much as when I was younger, it still bothers me. A voice in my head tells me I have the tools and knowledge to mentally and physically handle this, but I've also been through the ringer with my weight in my 20s, from eating disorders to being 275lbs at two different points. I really just want to know it's going to be okay. I'm kinda thinking it will be, but I also know how I can be...

Anyone else in this boat, or similar? Pregnancy is made up to be all glamorous and "you're glowing" blah blah blah but for me I have found it's like walking a tightrope... and at this point, a very barfy one. Help!


  • limmerman
    limmerman Posts: 2 Member
    20 weeks pregnant with my first. Spent the last 3 years working hard to go from 240 lbs to 140 lbs... now stacking the lbs on and having a hard time with it. Hoping to start being consistent with tracking everything I eat. Think Ive done alot of "oh ok, ill have one" just because im pregnant. Hoping the new year is a reset for me.
  • Mom4diet
    Mom4diet Posts: 56 Member
    I put on ten pounds at around 6 months my last pregnancy... gained 45 pounds total!!! ;-(

    Here's my advice;
    Communicate your feelings and with your doctor, and see if your insurance covers consultations with a registered dietician. Get very clear guidelines about what and how much you should be eating, and keep weight gain according to doctor's plan.

    That's what I plan to do if I have another baby.

    Good luck!!
  • 1BlueAurora
    1BlueAurora Posts: 439 Member
    I think MFP is helpful information, but I don't think it's set up to give any guidelines on gaining or maintaining the "right" amount of weight during pregnancy. My suggestion would be to show this program to your doctor and get some medical input on how much weight you can expect to gain this time around. Every pregnancy is different (sounds like yours is more barfy this time - ugh!) and this baby might need you to gain more than your first.
  • ziin80
    ziin80 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello ladies :) Happy New Year!
    Am Ziin, living in Dubai and pregnant for first time!
    Would love to communicate with experienced moms and new ones too!
    Any help with meal plans and nutrition info is welcome thanks:)