Oats/Whole Grains

So, normally oatmeal for breakfast in our house consists of one packet of instant oatmeal. I bought a container of quick oats simply because they are cheaper and I can spice it up with cinnamon or whatever. I followed the directions for 1 serving... 1/2 cup of oats, 1 cup of water, dash of salt, microwave for 1.5-2 mins. It was more like 3 SERVINGS! I couldn't believe the massive bowl of oats... by the end I was almost sick. Is this only considered one serving of whole grains?


  • brvanover
    yes, mine says 1/2 cup oats as well. but I never have a problem eating it. I add a tbsp of honey to mine
    It keeps me full for a couple of hours
  • AddA2UDE
    I eat oats everyday during the week. It's great fuel prior to lifting weights. I used to use sugar-free pancake syrup in them. Now, I just eat them plain. Looking at food as nothing more than fuel makes it easier (in my head). :) I take the "nothing-more-than-fuel" blinders off on cheat day each week. It works for me.
  • ddecarr
    ddecarr Posts: 103 Member
    I used to do Oatmeal but switched a while ago to a whole grain mix. Try "Uncle Bob's Red Mill" Muesli. Its is a mix of 5 different whole grains plus some other goodies and it is WAY better than oatmeal. They also have a separate 5-grain mix that I buy and I mix with the Muesli. If your local market doesn't carry it you can order it directly from them online.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    You can also fiddle with the water amount to change the texture of the oatmeal. I prefer mine more chewy than runny so I only use 1/2c water. When I can find it I like the Better Oats Raw multigrain hot cereals (usually a 5 envelope box for $1.00), the chai spiced one is really good.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    It was really that massive to you?

    sounds like half the serving that I eat almost daily...
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    My whole question was asking if it's actually only 1 serving of whole grains... or possibly 2?

    And yes, it seemed like a freakin' lot of oats! Maybe mine were just super fluffy?!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Per the package 1/2c dry is a serving no matter how much water you use to make it. Like pasta, it absorbs the water and gets bigger, but it doesn't change the calorie count or serving size when it is measured dry prior to cooking and cooked with only water.