Majorly Fed Up


I swore to myself I'd never post here but the time has come where I need major encouragement!

Ive always been a big lad growing up, always carrying some excess weight! At the start of this year at the age of 22 I tipped the scales at 18 stone and said RIGHT, ENOUGHS ENOUGH! and lost around a stone just through eating less crap

Unfortunately due to a family death and a couple of holidays, im now at my biggest ever at 19.5 stone! I really don't want to get any bigger and need to lose weight for a family wedding next summer.

I really dont know where to start at all, I need all the advice and tips you can give me! I don't currently exercise(heck, I cant even ride a bike) and the thought of joining a gym just now is way too daunting. I dont even eat fruit of veg that much, I used to hate salad but have grown to like lettuce and onion (bigggg deal for me haha)

I tend to snack on crisps and chocolate like most people, and eat out a lot. I just need as much advise/encouragement/real life stories you can give me, as im feeling pretty low on where to start right now


Thanks guys



  • Bluejay789
    Bluejay789 Posts: 176
    Friend me and I will be glad to support you and send you some tips.

    You will be amazed when you have friends added and you see them logging their food and exercise you will want to log too!

    Would love to encourage you!
  • Misdy
    Misdy Posts: 81 Member
    You're in the right place! Welcome :)

    I would start by cutting back on the take out meals and learn to cook healthy meals for yourself. It helps to know exactly what you're putting in your mouth and how many calories you're consuming. Regarding exercise, I try to remember that every little movement helps! I use the stairs in my building instead of the lift and park further away from my destination so that I get that little extra in each day :)
  • derbyslad
    derbyslad Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks guys :)

    Will keep you updated with how im getting on x
  • 4cherell
    You are already on the right path by being fed up. Thats the motivation that you need to get you going try baby steps by making small changes in your life. I too started to feel the way you do about a month ago. I beacame very serious and did a modification of my diet and added in 30 minutes of exercising such as walking at least 4 times a week. Keep your head up and know that because you snacked too much today you can just forgive yourself in the morning and try do better the next day. In the month of August alone I have been celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, just eating every sweet that came along with the celebration.
  • lylolil
    You've made the first step which is admitting that you need to do something about losing weight and that's a major achievement in itself.

    I have struggled with my weight for years and I was at my heaviest at the age of 22, like yourself, I was tipping the scales at 12 and a half stone, which is pretty hefty for a girl of my size! I'm now teetering around the 10 stone mark! I felt like I didn't know anything about nutrition and the right way to lose weight. I've tried everything in the past from Weight watchers, Slimming world, strict gym routines, not eating, cabbage soup, name it I tried it and failed...although I did lose the bulk of my weight at Slimming World.

    The key is balance. You need to ditch the takeaways and the junk food, not only is it packed full of crap but it will have a huge effect on your emotional levels, and you'll find that the healthier you are eating, the more optimistic and less lethargic you will become. Add me as a friend and I'll be more than happy to give you some tips on recipes and alternative snacks that will satiate your hunger and be really tasty. The important thing is not to deprive your body of anything, it needs the correct amount of carbs, fat and protein from your calories to function properly.

    If you want to fill out a food blog for a few days then I'll take a look at it, just eat like you normally would and log EVERYTHING that passes through your lips...even if it's an extra sugar in your cup of tea! i have my sister's wedding next year in Italy and I still have another 7lbs or so to ditch so we can do it together :-)
  • pixlamarque
    pixlamarque Posts: 312 Member
    One of the biggest things that I have found to be helpful has been cutting back on the take out/eating out. Restaurants don't care about helping you lose weight, they care about repeat business. The only way you will know what you put in your body is if you make it yourself or at least get healthy convenience foods (frozen meals, etc) that have the nutritional info on the label. It is very eye opening to look up takeout food info. Although I am sure that it would be best if you made fresh food yourself, if you don't have the time or desire to cook, at least frozen meals with a salad or fruit are a ton better for you than take out.

    As for exercise, yes, we all know we should do it, but you can lose weight in the beginning without doing much exercise. Just change your eating and make it a goal to start adding exercise when you get down to 14 stone or something. I don't do much true exercise yet myself for a variety of reasons (South Louisiana heat + humidity, 6 month old baby, working lots of on call and don't remember my last night of more than 5 hrs sleep--somewhere around 2 yrs ago). I have a goal to start exercising in October (cooler weather and I should be just saying goodbye to the 200 lb days). Different things work for different people. Some can go whole hog with the food changes and jump right into exercise programs and never look back, but for me it is working to add things in steps and that way I always have something that I can tweak if my loses slow down. Good luck and feel free to add me. My food diary is not prefect by any means, but it is open to friends.