September Tribal Challenge *** TNT Crew *** (Closed Group)



  • Thanks for the videos. I knew most of the exercises but was thinking the swimmers presses was something totally different. Can I also just say when I grow up I want to look like the lady in the wood chopper video!

    I totally agree! She's in great shape.
  • [i m g][/img]

    Allegra, I shrunk the banner down a bit for my signature. Now... how do I post the link without it showing another banner? Ummmm... I am going to put a space in between the first IMG letters.
  • More videos...

    Advanced series:

    Dumbbell Chest Fly

    Lawnmower Exercise

    Tricep Kickbacks

    In-Home Triceps Exercises : How to Do Triceps Kick Backs

    Shoulder Shrugs -
  • For Day 1 - 9/1/11 I need your starting weight. Please post here on forum or send to me in a message.

    Day 1 Challenge Exercises (Advanced) -- Welcome to 300 Week You will do 6 exercises at 50 reps as quickly as possible 3 times this week. These are not to be broken up into segments. You are the BUSHMEN it’s time to push yourself! Day 1 - 50 Squat Kicks, 50 Jumping Jacks , 50 Crunches, 50 Mountain Climbers, 50 Wood Chops and last but not least 50 Globe Jumps!

    Day 1 Challenge Exercises (Basic) -- Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 30 Squat Kicks* and 50 Jumping Jacks
    ( ) *Feel free to do these exercises in sets if you are unable to do them all at one time. Please do your best as you are much stronger than you believe.

    Exercises should be done in addition to your normal workout routine. This is a challenge and is not a replacement!


    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team members complete each daily exercise for all challenge days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus Points.
  • Hello team,

    My starting weight for this challenge is 161.0.

    I have a regular work day ahead of me and will be facing Day 1 challenges this evening.

    Since I have completed one challenge, I will be doing the Advanced Series exercises along with my regular workouts. Regardless which set of exercises you choose to conquer, remember to do your best.

    *** Please post or message me your starting weight ***

  • Good morning,
    Day 1 started bright and early today at 4:45am. My challenge is done for the day and my starting weight is 176.8. I will post tonight once my water is in but I'm halfway there. This is my first challenge and I will be a Pygmy for this one but may drift a little toward being a Bushman.
    Thanks for having me in this FAB challenge!!
    Cathy :)
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I really don't know my weight I was super bloated last week and have been scared to weigh myself since lol. I can weigh myself later today but that also means a few extra pounds...=/ my last known weight was 174.6
  • Good morning,
    Day 1 started bright and early today at 4:45am. My challenge is done for the day and my starting weight is 176.8. I will post tonight once my water is in but I'm halfway there. This is my first challenge and I will be a Pygmy for this one but may drift a little toward being a Bushman.
    Thanks for having me in this FAB challenge!!
    Cathy :)

    Thanks! Glad to have you on the team!!!
  • Hello,
    I really don't know my weight I was super bloated last week and have been scared to weigh myself since lol. I can weigh myself later today but that also means a few extra pounds...=/ my last known weight was 174.6

    I'll enter this weight for you. If you have a different number to report after you weigh today, just let me know.
  • Good Morning. My day also started at 4:45 am for my regular workout. I will complete the exercises and the challenge tonight and post on here when completed. My starting weight is 167 and I have already completed my water goal for the day (not bad for 9:37am). As an FYI, I generally will do these exercises and challenges at night as my mornings are full with my regular workout. Hope everyone has a great day :))
  • urastupidchimp
    urastupidchimp Posts: 80 Member
    Good morning!

    My starting weight is 174...which I'm a little nervous about because I dropped like 3-4lbs this weekend from being sick. I've been chugging water like crazy for the past few days so hopefully it is not too far off :)

    I will also be doing my challenge workouts in the evenings mostly so I'll check in later!

    GO TEAM!
  • woop wooooop! i will also be doing the exercises later :)

    just weighed myself with a starting weight of: 171.6 lbs
  • KBomar2
    KBomar2 Posts: 157 Member
    I did the advance challenges this morning...I'm so glad I did Jillian before or that would have kicked my booty!
    I don't know if I will be able to get on the scale today since i'm headed out of town but when I weighed myself 2 weeks ago I was 152.2 so lets go with that. I will try really hard to find a scale at some point today.
  • *** UPDATE from Gary6030 ***

    SEPT CHALLENGE FOLKS THAT ARE USING THE BUSHMEN (Advanced) SERIES EXERCISES! I forgot to add that you need to begin each day with a tabata 4 minute start. I am using this young woman's series. Its great but you have to stay in time with her. 20 seconds hard core 10 seconds rest for minutes. It will push you hard and will shape and tone large muscle group areas. Make sure everyday starts with a tabata no matter what the challenge is!

    The video is here :

  • MINI-CHALLENGE (not mandatory)

    Repost from Gary6030- O.K. Let's start this week off right! Since we are short this week I'm offering a mini-challenge. Remember Gym Class? Do you remember doing the bear walk? As a side mini-challenge you don't have to ever do the mini-challenges. But if you'd like to earn your team an extra point bearwalk for 3 minutes. Seems easy but it has to be a constant bear walk constantly moving for 3 minutes. You might be surprised! If you do the bear walk at the end of the week ask them to add one point to your team score! if you choose not too or cannot perform the mini-challenge its all good! This is just something to get our challenge up and running! So there it is FIRST MINI-CHALLENGE a Constant 3 minute Bearwalk.

    From Cheryl: I found this website that explains it fairly well. You can check it out if you are interested. Remember, this is just something extra if you want to do it, but not required. :-)

    1. Bear Walk for the Upper Body
    This exercise works the arms, the back, the shoulders and chest. It also works the abdominal muscles and other core muscles. The bear walk is a good warm-up for upper body and creates elements that build coordination and muscle synergy.

    2. Get Down on All Fours
    Get into position for the bear walk with the hands shoulder width apart on the floor. Your bottom is down and your knees are not on the ground. Walk forward with the right hand and as you follow through with the opposite foot. Proceed with the left hand and right foot. Once you feel the body muscles stretched, continue in the same fashion, but do the walk much more rapidly.

    3. Make It Tough
    Test yourself and do the bear walk without using the feet. Get into the position with the hands shoulder width apart and crouch like a bear. This time walk forward with your hands as your legs straighten and remain just on the tip of the toes. Walk forward with the arms but don't use the feet to help you walk, instead drag the feet. Tighten the glutes and the abs as you walk forward and use only the strength in the arms.

    4. One More Level Up
    If you are really into bodybuilding add weights to the bear walk. Use barbells or kettle balls, one for each hand. Hold the top of the barbell or kettle ball to support your weight on one side and lift the ball or barbell with your hand on the other side to move forward. Drag your feet. Rest your hand and kettle ball or barbell on the floor and lift the side that remained stationary prior. Continue several steps. This is really difficult, so don't worry if you can only do one or two at first. You can use your feet when you first attempt the exercise and later, as your strength builds, drag them instead. Work up to the point you can cross the room.

    5. Make It Competitive
    Push a fitness ball across a course and be the first to cross the finish line. This, of course, sounds easy until you add that the participant has to do this while she bear walks across the course. Make the race simple with the basic bear walk or more complex with out the use of the legs, or even add the barbells to lift. The competition for the finish lines can be fun but also quite developmental.

    Read more:
  • Ok...done for the day:

    10 waters done
    50 squat kicks done (only had to do 30)
    50 jumping jacks done
    under calories

    Have a great night to bed asap...4:30am rolls around mighty quick!!
  • Ok - I'm done for the day. I completed the following:

    50 squat kicks, 50 jumping jacks, 50 crunches, 50 mountain climbers, 50 wood chops, 50 globe jumps and I also completed the mini challenge - the bear walk. I walked like a bear for 3 minutes and 4 seconds and it was incredibly hard - not to mention that I now feel sick to my stomach and I'm sweating like a bear (if they even sweat). I thought I would try the:wink: mini challenge - wow is all I can say.

    I also drank 12 cups of water and was under my allotted calories. It's time to pass out as 4:45 am comes very early. At least tomorrow if Friday and I have the week off next week.

    Good Night!!!!!

    Merri :))
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    For today, I had to do the pygmy series because I have food poisoning :(
    30 squat kicks done, and 50 jumping jacks done.

    under calories

    16 cups of water

    and, my actual starting weight is 223. :O imagine that

    kicking butt!
  • urastupidchimp
    urastupidchimp Posts: 80 Member
    Bushman series done!

    Tabata workout, 50 squat kicks, 50 jumping jacks, 50 crunches, 50 mountain climbers, 50 wood chops and 50 globe jumps :)

    9+ cups of water and under my calories!

    My booty is gonna look great after all these squats!
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Hello! My starting weight for this challenge is 164lbs. I just completed day one of the Bushmen challenge. Not perfect but I made it through. The globe jumps were a killer (my first time doing them). I comsumed 67.6 OZ of water. and burned approx. 280 calories during this workout routine.
    Thanks, and good luck to all of you:)