Gain weight!

For the past 3 years, I've been 117 lbs. I'm currently 19 and want to change my life around and gain at least 15 lbs. I don't eat enough so my goal is to eat alot more and gain muscle. Wish me luck!


  • JahooIsBack
    JahooIsBack Posts: 1 Member
    I'm at 58.6kg right now , my goal is 65kg as for the moment . I guess we just have to eat a lot and bulk up
  • giancarlov1191
    giancarlov1191 Posts: 493 Member
    How much are you eating now?
  • Tic78
    Tic78 Posts: 232 Member
    You can also drink calories which helps if you cant physically manage to eat more food.

    Get a blender mix 300ml milk, 30g oats, one banana, 30g whey, spoonful peanut butter, a drop of honey to sweeten it up, easy way to get 5-700 calories per drink. Have a couple per day as well as the food you normally eat and you will be gaining weight in no time. Can also add some olive oil into the mix if you want to bump calories higher.

    Good luck
  • kavashicablack
    kavashicablack Posts: 2 Member
    I'm currently 90pds. My goal is to be 110. It's so hard to stay consistent, finding the right eating routine and protein powder. Hopefully, I can make the challenge this year.
  • boller1986
    boller1986 Posts: 9 Member
    Use Fitness Pal to track your calories as weight and don’t skip meals. Grab a mass gainer and lift 4 to 5 times a week. Be consistent and don’t skip breakfast. To hit my goal I need to consume 2800 calories a day.
  • Jobygains
    Jobygains Posts: 14 Member
    Eating the correct amount of calories is the hardest thing in the world. All the people with slow metabolisms have NO idea. They think small people are so blessed to have fast metabolisms, but its an absolute nightmare. Just stick to your caloric goals and you'll slowy gain weight, it's not easy though.
  • dallsop417
    dallsop417 Posts: 1,031 Member
    When talking about what weight you are, it’s important to say your height too. It’s also important to know that although some people have fast metabolisms, most “skinny” guys don’t. I’m a “skinny guy” at 56.5kg at 5,9” and since using MFP to log meals it’s easy to see my skinny form is due to not eating enough calories rather than a fast metabolism. Just need to eat more food and calorie dense food to hit calorie target and you will gain weight.
  • Manga23
    Manga23 Posts: 47 Member
    If you want to do it the right way then you need to calculate your BMR en TDEE. Without those numbers you're just guessing. This is an example
    Your TDEE is based on your daily calorie burn.
    When you figured out your TDEE then you can decide what calorie intake you need to maintain, lose weight or gain.
  • boller1986
    boller1986 Posts: 9 Member
    So I used the TDEE calculator and it determined be 2700 and 3100 calories which matches what the fitness pal app and my previous post. Since the 1st I’ve gained 2.1 lbs.

    Height 5’ 9”
    Weight 159
    Goal 175
  • oceangirl99
    oceangirl99 Posts: 161 Member
    I can't imagine having this issue - but I certainly respect that some people do. I don't have a slow metabolism - I just eat too much! I naturally want to eat and eat and eat. My nephew is very thin - very! His partner is quite heavy. My nephew was chatting with me about my weight loss and he mentioned that he just has high metabolism and it is too bad his partner doesn't. I told him that probably has nothing to do with it and gave him a scenario. We all walk in to Subway and order lunch. He would order a 6" sub and maybe not finish it or if he did, he would be stuffed. I would order the 12" chicken sub with lots of veggies and a diet pepsi even though I would be full enough after a 6", I would eat the whole thing. His partner would order a 12" sub with extra cheese, bacon and sauce, a few cookies and a pop. He may even have a large bowl of soup and/or some chips. My nephew agreed that this is exactly what would happen.
    Good luck with your weight gain! I wish we could share calories!