September challenge - room is limited - are you interested?

September is going to be my month to refocus and make my health my #1 priority again. Eating right, exercising, drinking water.
This group is for girls who want to lose 10 pounds in September. You need to be serious and committed and willing to check-in everyday. We have room for 3 girls. (There will be 5 total). The reason for keeping it so small is so that we can actually get to know each other and actually support each other. If we have a bigger sized group, that will not be manageable for me. I will be encouraging and keeping track of everything on my blog also.
Also, I’m willing to give out my phone number for texting support for this small group.
MY goals:
1200 calories per day
8 glasses of water (NO diet soda)
Exercise 5 days per week
Have a 35000 calorie deficit for the month of September.
My starting info! 5’2 and 153 pounds.
What’s your starting info? What are your goals?
My reason for losing weight and I want to do this? I need a breath of fresh air and I need to get back to the way I was living before. Summer has been CRAZY. Boys, drama, hanging out late all night, studying, finances… life has gotten so crazy wonderful! But it’s time to re-focus. I know if I focus on this 100% again for awhile, it will just become a habit again like before. That’s why I’m doing a challenge :)


  • Katefab26
    Katefab26 Posts: 865
    Sure...I'd be interested :-)
  • Dare2BThin
    Dare2BThin Posts: 211 Member
    Im in!!
    Height 5 ft Even
    183.0 lb
    Im getting married October 22 and I want to lose at least 15 lb before then. I also want to feel better about myself and like the way i look in clothes.
  • alerica1
    alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
    Me too. I'm interested. I have 10 lbs to lose (+a few more). I'm sticking to 1200 calories and exercise 3-5x a week.
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    I'm in!
  • amymunn
    amymunn Posts: 115 Member
    Im game! :]

    I think this will be just what i need!
  • Missmissy0003
    Missmissy0003 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm interested but 10 lbs in a month is not realistic for me. I think I can lose 7 max. Will that mess your group up?
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Let me know if there is room for me...the third woman and I responded at the same time.

    My stats:

    MFP Starting Weight: 200 lbs.
    Re-start Weight: 188.75 (08/22/11)
    Current Weight: 183 (08/31/11)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 110
  • amandabergen
    amandabergen Posts: 1 Member
    I am interested!! I was just thinking about this yesterday. By October 1st I want to have lost 10 pounds. It's going to be a beautiful month and I am excited to get outside!

    Current stats:
    Height 5'8"
    Weight 160

    My calorie goal is 1200 as well
    I am also going to need to cut out the amount of beer I drink significantly, because I like to have too much fun. So i can contribute ways to go out and still meet our goals.

    I am really excited about this and I'd love to join you guys if you want me!
  • kristyklein8
    :flowerforyou: Me too. Vegas trip begins Sept. 24 and I wanna feel and look fabulous. This last weekend I put on 4 lbs. Current weight is 136, 5'4"
  • Raven413
    Raven413 Posts: 86
    Oh, I'm interested!!!! Is there still room?
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Everyone who has posted this far can be in the group except Raven413, you didn't respond back with the answers to the questions, sorry.

    Everyone please add me as a friend. The group is now closed. The group is way bigger than I expected it would be. If you don't add me as a friend or respond below, I will not hunt you down and you won't be considered part of the challenge. Sorry. Let's get this starrrrrrrted! :)

    Homework: post it here or in a message to me. After everyone has responded, I will send out an e-mail to everyone with more details!

    #1 - Introduce yourself in two or three sentences about why you want to lose weight.
    #2 - Stats
    #3 - Your biggest obstacle(s) that have stopped you from losing weight in the past
    #4 - A picture that inspires you to lose weight
  • Dare2BThin
    Dare2BThin Posts: 211 Member
    #1 Hi Im Shaunte, Although I have a few mini goals in why I want to lose weight (Wedding October 22). My main reason I dont like the way I look, point blank period. For my height this weight is not becoming of me.

    #2 Im 5ft currently weighing 183.0 Lb Overall goal weight is 125-130 roughly 60 lb to lose.

    #3 my biggest obstacle is motivation and stay on track ,once I fall off I will ruin a whole day sometimes a week.

    #4 me.jpg This was me 5 years ago
  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    Just seen the group is closed!
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    #1 - Introduce yourself in two or three sentences about why you want to lose weight.
    #2 - Stats
    #3 - Your biggest obstacle(s) that have stopped you from losing weight in the past
    #4 - A picture that inspires you to lose weight

    1.) My name is Michelle and I have struggled with my weight since puberty. In addition to wanting to look and feel better, my doctors tell me that losing weight, exercising, and eating right could have a profound effect on the severity and frequency of my chronic migraine headaches and anxiety. Also, I am a preschool teacher and all of my friends are super-skinny so I feel like I can never quite keep up with anyone, at work or in my social circle.

    2.) I'm 5'2"-5'3" and currently weigh 183 lbs. I weighed 200 lbs. when I started MFP last year, but I didn't utilize the site. I started again last Monday and weighed in at 188.75 lbs. I've lost 5.75 lbs. since then! My goal is to get down to 110 lbs.

    3.) I am an emotional eater which has been a huge obstacle that I am trying to overcome. Also, my migraines sometimes make it difficult for me to eat right and exercise consistently. Thirdly, I've never had support like MFP before. As I mentioned, all of my friends are quite thin (my boyfriend included), so they don't quite understand the trials and tribulations of exercising every day and counting calories and how losing a quarter of a pound is a cause for celebration.

    4.) I don't know how to put pictures in a message board post...:ohwell:
  • hungrymarathongirl
    hungrymarathongirl Posts: 444 Member
    Awesome!!! I so need this to refocus....after lots of bad eating and drinking over the summer!

    Our goals are fairly similar:

    1200 calories per day
    10 glasses of water
    No bad carbs.....eliminate as much sugar and refined breads as possible
    Run 4 times a week, Abs workout 3 times a week; Kettlebell workouts 3 times a week

    Starting Info as of Aug 31: 5’4 and 124 pounds.

    My Goals: Summer was very hectic and stressful at times. I made a lot of bad food choices and drank too much. I too am a huge emotional eater and love to stuff my feelings with food. I started losing my motivation and focus this past month and need this to get back on track. I want to redefine myself in September.
  • alerica1
    alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
    MY goals:
    1200 calories per day
    8 glasses of water
    Exercise 3-5 days per week
    My starting info! 5’4 and 143 pounds.
    My goal is 128-130 lbs.
    I'll be 50 years old in a couple of weeks and want to feel healthy and alive. I have a new granddaughter and I want to be able to keep up with her. I have a lot of clothes in my closet that don't fit me....and I can't afford a new wardrobe. :)
  • Missmissy0003
    Missmissy0003 Posts: 250 Member
    I am 5 ft 3"
    SW 130
    GW 123

    Lose 7 lbs, drink 8 glasses of water, exercise 3 times a week, eat more fruit and veggies and calcium. Baby steps for me.
  • I sent my information to Ski3r4life, maybe she could copy and paste it in here for me? If not, I will add it in a while.

    Can't wait for this challenge with all of you!
  • kristyklein8
    Hello from Nebraska! The last couple of years (sporadically :ohwell: ) I have been embracing the reality that I need to take care of myself if I wanna look and feel great. Vanity (Shallow, I know :embarassed: ) is my biggest motivator, but also LUV the CONFIDENCE that comes with feeling FIT and being able to put on an outfit and LIKING how it looks on MY body.

    27 years old
    CW: 136
    Sept. 24 Goal (VEGAS): 125ish
    GW: 120

    So far, weekends are my biggest obstacles. NO sugar or carb is safe from my mouth...not to mention the alcohol that usually accompanies my weekends on nights out or days spent at the lake. :drinker:

    Apparently, there is a trick to posting a pic..., but I chose a swimsuit shot of the Victoria Secret model Marisa Miller as inspiration. Obviously, I think her body is ROCKIN' but since I am a busty gal myself, it helps me to look at pictures of women that have the same body type as me...sorry Kate Moss!
  • kristyklein8

    Drink at least 80 oz. water a day.

    Keep my carbs under 100/day.

    Keep calories within 1200-1400/day.

    Burn 3500 calories a week with exercise.

    Lose 13 inches around my body.

    Reach 125 lbs on Sept. 24.

    Limit weighing myself to once a week on Friday mornings. I tend to get so focused on the number on the scale that it can actually make or break my day. Really just want to get smaller and tighter so hopefully my clothes will be able to judge better than the damn scale. :happy:

    Since we are officially starting today, I thought I would "check in" by letting you all know my plan of attack. If you heard of the Atkins/Dukan Diet I am going to try and follow something like that...sort of. I wanna limit my carbs as much as possible and increase my protein significantly for the first few days...hopefully carbs under 50 and keep my protein higher than 135. I am hoping this will "jumpstart" my weight loss since I seem to have been binge eating for the last week...or two....After a few days (damn Labor Day weekend) I will mellow out a bit and stick to MFP standards.

    Tonight I am going to officially change from the Community Fitness Center to the new YMCA in our town. I went a few times last week and think it will be a good fit for me (liked the fitness center, but the Y is closer.) Just got to conquer that newbie feeling at the know, that feeling that everyone is looking and judging you....

    Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you all better this month. Hope you all had a great first day!!