Friends please


I was a regular MFP user in 2018 and managed to lose 60lbs (4 stone) by eating well and exercising. I started running and noticed the impact this had on my weight loss. I shaped up and started to like the way I looked. Then I had a difficult time in work and turned to food to get me through the tough bits - I’m so mad with myself. Once I stopped using MFP and eating rubbish I lost my energy and motivation to run and the weight piled back on.

I have created a new MFP account as it was so disheartening on my old account seeing the weight loss and subsequent weight gain. So I decided a fresh start was in order.

I would love some support from fellow members and will give support in return!

I’m in the UK and I’m 40, but would be grateful for any support on this journey.


  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    hlt2020 wrote: »

    I was a regular MFP user in 2018 and managed to lose 60lbs (4 stone) by eating well and exercising. I started running and noticed the impact this had on my weight loss. I shaped up and started to like the way I looked. Then I had a difficult time in work and turned to food to get me through the tough bits - I’m so mad with myself. Once I stopped using MFP and eating rubbish I lost my energy and motivation to run and the weight piled back on.

    I have created a new MFP account as it was so disheartening on my old account seeing the weight loss and subsequent weight gain. So I decided a fresh start was in order.

    I would love some support from fellow members and will give support in return!

    I’m in the UK and I’m 40, but would be grateful for any support on this journey.

    Welcome back!
  • sea2sea777
    sea2sea777 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I’m 45 year old woman in the states, also recently back on MFP. I started running & lost 35 lbs a few years ago too, but now need to get back in shape. I never tried this with friends, maybe that’s the key🤔🤗, so add me please. We can do this!! (Again 😬)
  • MCinChicago
    MCinChicago Posts: 11 Member
    I also had success here for many months, and then things went South. Back here with a new account trying to get back to my weight of a couple years ago. Feel free to add me, as I'm looking for friends for mutual support.
  • sasful78
    sasful78 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, been a while since I've been on here but I need motivation!
    I'm 42 this Feb and at least 4stone lose.
    Let's crack this. X
  • BigBonedBear
    BigBonedBear Posts: 15 Member
    Good for you on the fresh start!! I’ve had the same experience as you, stopped using MFP and put some weight back on. Now I’m back at it and am looking forward to losing another 25 pounds. I’d be happy to help support in any way I can.
  • kmccabe21190
    kmccabe21190 Posts: 2 Member
    I literally just had the same thing happen to me. Created a new acct today and am so mad that i let the weight come back! We can do it though. Weve done it before! Would love an add. Having friends on here is so helpful for sharing tips and tricks as well as for motivation! Im 29, and a teacher from the US, but ive been out of work for a bit hence the downward spiral. Good luck!
  • darrellcarson
    darrellcarson Posts: 2 Member
    This is the exact thing I am going through at the moment. I got to onederland and now I am no where close. You can add me as a friend on your new journey.
  • beautyonthebeach83
    beautyonthebeach83 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi everyone! I’ve been on MFP on & off since 2013. I used it to drop the baby weight after my second born. Now she’s 9 and I’ve gained back a lot of the weight. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    Been logging in again for almost a year but only started *diligent* tracking/exercising again in November after I saw a pic of myself from Halloween. Would love more buddies! I’m 36, a mom of 2 and also in the states. I have about 30 lbs I want to lose. Maybe less because I’m focused more on strength than cardio this time around.
  • shoyumirinsake
    shoyumirinsake Posts: 6 Member
    'lo everyone~

    Same boat over here. I was a MFP/health/fitness addict for years. MFP was incredibly effective in helping me to drop weight and stay on top of my calorie intake. Best app ever.

    Past 2-3 years, my fitness routine got put on the back burner to make room for other priorities. Fast-forward to a couple days ago, I saw a recent pic of myself and was legit shocked. Looks aside, I'm more concerned about taking care of my health.

    I'm hellbent on dropping weight and getting healthy again. I'm making my fitness routine my #1 priority again and it'd be cool to make some friends along the way.

    I'm down with sharing progress, logs, recipes and keeping each other motivated.

    Wishing everyone best of luck in their 2020 health and fitness pursuits.