Question of the Day- Day 41!!

:heart: Question of the Day- Day 41!!!:heart:

Honestly.... do you feel guility after you overindulge or do you have the mind set that tomorrow is a new day and oh well?

**Me- welll.... I don't hardly EVER go over my calories or overindulge but last night was my birthday and we went out to dinner to one of my favorite places and I ate about half of everything. It's a Japanese Steakhouse so you get a soup and salad to start off then you get vegetables (brocoli, zucchini, carrots, onions) and then you get fried rice, noodles, and your choice of steak, shrimp or chicken. I had everything above except for the onions, I asked for white rice instead of the fried and I had steak and shrimp. I gave my fiance half of everything except for the soup, salad and veggies. After I got home I was so full and tried to calculate my calories and could tell I was WAAAYYY over and felt guility.... this morning I even weighed myself to make sure I didn't gain any weight from last nights dinner lol


  • JoAnn73
    JoAnn73 Posts: 161 Member
    Dont worry about it. As long as you are aware of what your goals are its ok to slurg, just keep on keeping on. YOU ARE IN CONTROL!! :wink:
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I tell myself I shouldn't feel guilty - but I do. But that's mostly because I feel like if I get off track, I might not be able to get back on! :happy:

    You are supposed to have some cheat days though - so once in a while (i.e. your birthday) is fine. But I've tried to start rewarding myself or celebrating things with things other than food.
    i.e. to celebrate losing 40 pounds, I got a new tattoo I've been wanting for a while.
    I still go out to eat occasionally, but make smart choices, and don't correlate eating/food with happiness or celebrations.
  • annehdavis
    annehdavis Posts: 157 Member
    Happy Birthday. I don't look at as cheating or overindulging. I look at as life and I need to learn the way to eat all foods. I ate at the mexican place the other night and mmmmmm back to the subject. In order for you to lose or maintain you need to learn how to make better choices extercise and limit portions. Going over every once in a while is fine.
  • BostonGrammy
    Dont' beat yourself up. Just get right back on track-you can do it.
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    Happy Belated Birthday!!! I don't worry about when I go over. I know me and if I sit and constantly watch every little thing I put in my mouth I will stop my weightloss journey. I log everything I eat and if I go over I go over. That said I try every single day to make wise choices and to make healthier versions of my favorite things but the truth is there are always going to be times in which we go over our calorie count. Like JoAnn73 said, you just have to stay in control and keep working toward your goals.
  • hotelsierra
    Remember this is a lifestyle change- not a diet. Your still allowed to live your life and a birthday splurge is hardly anything to feel guilty over. Cheers! Happy Belated Birthday! :drinker:
  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    I mostly feel bad because i know that I didnt have to indulge. Im also finding that the more i make an effort to eat good the more i stuff myself full of food i dont like that super full feeling anymore. I feel guilty for a while but then I realize that tomorrow is a new day and i move on!
  • jenblowsbubblez
    jenblowsbubblez Posts: 112 Member
    lol,, yes !! i do feel guilty!!! but i try to drink extra water and workout a little more,, but its okay everyonce in a while!
  • TruckerChick
    I ALWAYS feel guilty when I overindulge... and I feel guilty when I even THINK about overindulging, or eating the wrong things for that matter. But sometimes, no matter the guilt, I will think to myself, "screw it" and I do it anyway. The only good news to come of that is that I no longer mindlessly eat. I seriously think about it before I do it.

    If you over indulge, or even just indulge once in a while or only on special occasions, like your birthday, I don't think you should feel guilty... but I know that you do anyway!! Cuz I do! But I know that even skinny people over indulge once in a great while. It's the healthy thing to do! It helps to remind us to not do it all the time!!!
  • TruckerChick
    On a side note, it sounds to me like you made some really sound decisions last night!!! Congratulations!!! :drinker:
  • sherismb
    sherismb Posts: 120 Member
    I have my mind set on oh well tomorrow is a new day!!