New - want to lose 20 pounds!

sick of being overweight. I want to live my life being the best I can and not be 20 minutes late to everything because I think I look fat in everything I've tried on.

I am a vegetarian.

Let's be my fitness pal friends and motivate each other!


  • naomirog
    naomirog Posts: 45 Member
    I'm new to this to so will add you as a friend :) I am the same with the trying on of clothes...i think i have no clothes..but the truth is i have LOADS of clothes but cant sqeeze in to them :s Good Luck ;)
  • Darcie1970
    good luck! and welcome :)
  • CoachKaren
    Good Luck on this journey! You will do GREAT!
  • cbrister07
    cbrister07 Posts: 34 Member
    Welcome and good luck. I am sure you will do great. Once I finally decided I was tired of being overweight and decided that I was the only one who could do anything about it I was able to really start a diet and stick with it. Just remember you can do this!
  • AngelicaDulas
    Hello! :) I'm also a vegetarian (lacto-ovo) and have almost lost my 20lbs! It's not hard to do with MFP, and there is lots of good info if you take some time to read back over the older forum posts. Feel free to add me!
  • MLuckyb85
    Being a vegitarian I think you are off to a great start. I have been reading this book called the Primal Blueprint. Its all about eating primally (like a caveman lol). So any fruits, veggies, seeds, nuts... meats and fish too but thats not an option 4 u. Basically anything you can find in nature. The less preservatives, syrups, hormones, pesticides - the better!

    It also discusses different strategies for exercise so that you dont fatigue, get burnt out, or get used to a routine. Many other topics discussed as well.

    The main thing about eating though is to stay away from bad carbs: any grains - bread, pasta, pretzels... These are fat storing agents.

    - If you just follow that one rule, you should lose atleast a pound a week. Of course exercise and a natural diet will excellerate your weight loss further. I cheat sometimes but when I am being good about the no grain thing, the weight comes off much faster.

    Good luck!