
Hi, I have noticed that many of you do an awesome workout doing zumba. Do you go to classes or you bought the set of dvd's from a shopping channel? What is the best?


  • I love Zumba. I go to class at the gym about 3 days a week.
  • tifmarie9
    tifmarie9 Posts: 28 Member
    I like the classes better because if you start getting tired you keep going cuz everyone else keeps going. Then you feel fabulous afterward! At home there's absolutely no accountability so it's easy to quite in the middle.
  • zumba is a very social exercise .. so i would recomend doing a class with a friend if poss , if not a class solo is a close second , with the option of a home dvd as a last resort .... but no way its gonna match up on the fun scale when yr on yr own ! find a class , and go for it !
  • alisonnorth
    alisonnorth Posts: 15 Member
    definitely classes. find an instructor that's right for you and is encouraging and motivating. the energy in a live class will help you to work harder, and develop accountability with other students. i've made some really good friends (and workout buddies) at Zumba. it's also given me the confidence to try other classes as well :)
  • I do Zumba at the gym 3 times a week. I love it. A coworker of mine has the DVDs and she said it's just not the same.
  • I do both! I am not able to make it to class very often so I do the DVDs at home.
    LOVE IT!
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I do two classes a week with a couple of friends and I love it!
  • thank you ladies for your input, I think i will try the classes once my kids go back to school...