Trying something new

Hawks717 Posts: 29 Member
I am looking for support/motivation. This past year I lost 25 pounds early in the year to only gain the weight back and then some. It is hard for me to stay focused on the weight lose as once I start losing the weight I end up having cheat meals and lose focus. I am looking to lose 40-50 pounds this year and to keep it off for good. I haven't done forums in the past so this year I am trying new strategies to stay motivated and focused on my goal.


  • Hawks717
    Hawks717 Posts: 29 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »

    Try focusing on your day and the process not your goal. Make the day your goal. You may find you need less motivation. It can be hard to have a goal to lose 40+ pounds because it takes a long time. It is not so hard to have a goal to get through today in a calorie deficit. In other words instead of trying to tackle the forest you try and tackle a single tree.

    If you selected to lose 2 pounds per week, as many do, you need to change that to 1 pound per week. It will give you more calories and make the process more sustainable. 2 pounds per week is really only for people with 75+ pounds to lose.

    Thank you for this! That is a great approach.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    When I started out I thought about the cheat meal thing and I did in fact use them a bit but I was very careful. I had 100 lbs to lose and wasn't able to think of never ever eating anything nice again or going out to eat at all. It took me 2 years to reach my goal. When I did cheat meals which was about 1 a month I would only eat to maintenance instead of going whole hog. After restricting so much it seemed like a luxury and the worst it would do is make me maintain that day. Many will tell you not to do cheat meals and the reason is in the picture below. If you can't keep it reasonable it is better to work treats into your calorie allowance but if you still want to do them keep in mind that you can wipe out a week's work in a day if you aren't careful. Continue to log no matter what you eat. It really helps in the long run.
