Time to kick myself up the ....

So much weight put over the last year so ive signed up for some crazy length races.
Anyone else got a goal they have always wanted to achieve ?


  • rachellep103
    rachellep103 Posts: 19 Member
    I was 5lbs from my goal weight this time last year. "Somehow" I managed to put 40lbs back on. Ugh.
    This year, I'm back at it. Seriously. Bought a new Fitbit and started running again on Sunday.
    I'm hoping to lose the 45lbs by June. My plan so far is to run 5miles a day, 3x a week. I'll increase to 6 when my endurance builds up. Then I plan on adding weight lifting on non-running days. Wish me luck! I'm gonna need it!

    Signing up for races is super brave! I commend your courage and commitment! What are you doing for training? What's your plan? How long are the races?
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    I always knew I wanted to run a marathon...so I signed up for my first one for my 30th birthday and ran it last year. My new long term goal is Boston for my 40th. Super short term, it'll be my third marathon six months after giving birth. Moderate term goal is every marathon in my home state of NC before I turn 40.

    I've ran with great runners of all body sizes and types. I don't so much focus on my weight anymore as my performance level, but I do find my joints are happier when I maintain below 140...even if I do have to fuel more often during a race.