2020: I can see clearly now

Here goes again for nothing....

I thought it would be helpful to write here daily to keep me accountable. Fingers crossed!


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    Here goes again for nothing....

    I thought it would be helpful to write here daily to keep me accountable. Fingers crossed!
    Feel free to join me here and I also give free advice.


    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Honey_Pumpkin39
    Honey_Pumpkin39 Posts: 213 Member
    Saturday done and I’ve tracked and stuck to my plan. Feeling good about that!!
  • 1BlueAurora
    1BlueAurora Posts: 439 Member
    You're really doing well, Honey_Pumpkin39! Congrats on your progress. You seem to be pretty disciplined. Best of luck!
  • pgdickson
    pgdickson Posts: 3 Member
    @Honey_Pumpkin39 - I just started on mfp (after a long hiatus) & I have MS too! It does make things challenging sometimes, but we can do this! Happy to connect anytime!
  • Honey_Pumpkin39
    Honey_Pumpkin39 Posts: 213 Member
    Thanks guys!!! That’s so nice of you. Really appreciate it 😘

    Another day on track and weight slowly coming down after Christmas regain eek.
  • estherpotter1
    estherpotter1 Posts: 139 Member
  • Honey_Pumpkin39
    Honey_Pumpkin39 Posts: 213 Member
    Back at work today - pretty painful!!! Even more painful is all the food that's everywhere that people have brought in to get out of their houses. But so far have ignored it all and stuck to healthy choices (porridge for breakfast, an apple as a snack, chicken risotto home made for lunch). So that's going well. Just sooooooooooooooooooooooo tired today for some reason. I feel exhausted, but thats definitely a combo of the MS and coming back after two weeks' away :)
  • Honey_Pumpkin39
    Honey_Pumpkin39 Posts: 213 Member
    I had a really good day yesterday, managed to stick to the plan, walk on my treadmill and basically felt good about myself. It was nice to get one under the belt, and made me super determined to stick to it again. I lost 150lbs a few years ago, and then put it all back again slowly not knowing why really - a combination of a new relationship, but overwhelmingly developing a progressive form of multiple sclerosis. So, it's not easy but that's simply not an excuse. Go me!!!!

    Another good day so far, which is a relief.
  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
    You are doing awesome!!!
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,443 Member
    Your doing so well!
  • Honey_Pumpkin39
    Honey_Pumpkin39 Posts: 213 Member
    Another good day. That makes three in a row which is fantastic. Am pleased because I have stuck to my plan, tracked everything here and I feel good.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Way to go!!
  • Honey_Pumpkin39
    Honey_Pumpkin39 Posts: 213 Member
    Oh dear, yesterday was my birthday so I overdid it a little bit - not too much; but the really good thing was that I actually tracked everything here, and also that I haven't given up and said I'll start again Monday. I'm hoping for a loss on Sunday (my official weigh-in day), but I'm not sure. I have got so much to lose, but there you go.

    The crazy thing is I lost so much weight ten years ago - well over 150lbs, and now I'm back to where I started. Gah, it's frustrating beyond belief, although the thing is I can see exactly why, I have progressive MS and the weight started going back on as I became less mobile without knowing why.

    But...here's the thing, knowing the reason, understanding myself, doesn't really get me any further forward.

    Today has been okay. I've weighed in, I've had cereal for breakfast, strawberries and vegetarian toad in the whole with veggies. And I've weighed and tracked everything, no guesstimates. I guess I'm sticking to the SW style of eating (loads of fruit and veg etc), but also tracking here and not using SYNS which I never liked a huge amount.

    Good times :)

    I also like having my thread here to chat away to myself, and to see progress. Ideally I'd like to have a thread with at least 365 entries at the end of the year, and me to be 50 lbs lighter.
  • OncologyChick
    OncologyChick Posts: 236 Member
    Happy belated birthday :smiley: .
    You're doing great! Take it day by day, eat, move, sleep, write and you'll have at least your 365 entries at the end of the year and hopefully 50lbs lighter!!
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Happy Day After Birthday!! And keep chatting away, just maybe there will be others who will take something from your posts and make it theirs too.
    Wishing you the best!! BTW, pretty sure you're not the first(or the last) to make this trip more than once. :wink:
  • Honey_Pumpkin39
    Honey_Pumpkin39 Posts: 213 Member
    Thanks guys!

    Feeling pleased with myself because I've done some batch cooking - today's lunch is Moroccan chicken/chickpea stew courtesy of the Instant Pot; very easy, very filling, and pretty low calory (under 400) which is great. Tonight it's going to be honey mustard chicken which is light and very tasty. Doing well on that front so yay me :)
  • Honey_Pumpkin39
    Honey_Pumpkin39 Posts: 213 Member
    A whole week has gone by without an entry - goddamit!

    Anyway, going not so well. But it all gets real from now on!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    keep the updates coming, maybe checking in here will keep you thinking about logging your food :smile: all the best.