New Here

I just joined yesterday. I have already lost 54 pounds in the last 2 yrs and thought this would help me keep on track. I am disabled have Osteoarthritis in every part of my spine. what disc isn't bulging or herniated, I have the last 2 in my lumbar that have annular tears, which just means no disc material left its just bone on bone and painful. Plus I have nerve damage or neuropathy and Rheumatoid Arthritis and finally, fibromyalgia. I started on my journey[AGAIN! lol] 2 yrs ago when my best friend died from complications of gastric bypass. So far I've lost 54 on my own but still want to lose 50-60 more. I just started on my bike today and will hopefully get the dust and cobwebs off my treadmill soon. Would like it if anyone would like to "friend" me and help keep me going.


  • downlbs
    downlbs Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, i am new here to...I can totally relate to your spine problems. I have ankylosing spondylitis , chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I just resigned from my last job due to the fact I herniated a disc...possible due to the type of work I was doing. I am contemplating applying for disability, as there is not much I can due workwise. I am so tired most of the time. And of course I ache.
    You are an inspiration losing 54 pounds....keep it up. Hope we can be friends and help each other thru this.
  • kathied41
    Yeah its been hard. I don't know hiow many times I got derailed. Haven't been able to exercise all summer as its been too hot n muggy and the only a/c we have is in the bedroom. started again this week, but the next 3 days r going to be in the 90"s again. hopefully it'll cool back down soon.
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    Welcome to the MFP family Kathie :) If you need a friend or someone to talk to feel free to add me <3
  • LycosNyctereutes
    Haven't been able to exercise all summer as its been too hot n muggy and the only a/c we have is in the bedroom. started again this week, but the next 3 days r going to be in the 90"s again. hopefully it'll cool back down soon.

    Man, what I would give for highs to be in the 90's! Where I'm at we've had more than 50 days (I lost track) 100-115˚F. And my a/c went out when it started! I too only have a really small window unit in the bedroom. I usually have lots to do outside around my rural place, but I'll pass out in this heat. The wildfires a few miles away aren't helping either.

    But what I really want to say is, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. What a tragedy. S/he would be proud of you for losing 54 lbs, that's quite an accomplishment! Especially with back problems. I feel very fortunate to not have serious spinal problems. I only have one tweak at T3-T4 and when it flares up, it is sooo painful, I cannot imagine what you are going through.
    I just joined MFP yesterday, and have lost 8 lbs in the last week or two. Feel free to message or add me if you like.