40th HS reunion in August

G’morning. I will be 57 this Thursday. I’ve been doing this weight loss dance all my life. Up and down. Whether it be lupus and having to take steroids and I gain weight, or a car accident 6 years ago putting me in bed between two major neck surgeries, or a broken arm and elbow 9 months ago that puts me behind in the race. Praying broken bones and car accidents, God willing, are behind me, I started working out again last week. I’ve lost some weight in the new job. I walk a lot but that’s not cutting out my belly fat or toning my arms. I can’t fight age or gravity, but I can try to fight the battle of the bulge.

I want to look decent at my reunion. I’ve got 9 months to get there. To further push my agenda in health, I’m looking to do a triathlon that same weekend. I did one 7 years ago before my car accident. I tri-ed one 18 months ago but had a mechanical breakdown mid race.

Anyway, being a proud Grandma of an 18 month old, I want get healthier for my Brody.

If anyone wants to friend me, I’d be thrilled. I’ve met a few great people in person from MFP.

Have a great day.


  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    You can do it!
  • lizziebeefree
    lizziebeefree Posts: 4 Member
    I’ve got Lupus too and know the horrible struggle it can be! It sounds like you are determined! Sending you strength!