30 in your 30's?



  • justkris_gettingfit
    justkris_gettingfit Posts: 239 Member
    I’m turning 32 in September and want to hit my UGW of 130 by then. I’m already a little over 50 lbs in (halfway mark) and am coming up on hitting another “mini” goal weight.

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • Hawks717
    Hawks717 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey! I'm Darren. I am also looking to have supportive friends through this weight lose journey. I am 30 and looking to lose about 40 pounds. Currently weight 250 looking to be around 210-215. Feel free to add me. Look forward to supporting each other to achieve our goals!
  • annieu613
    annieu613 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi all, I'm 33 and want to lose 30lbs this year. I am 5'8 171lbs. Feel free to add me!
  • Yesenia882018
    Yesenia882018 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 31 about to turn 32. Over two years ago I had lost a lot of weight but then I moved states and lost the people i used to work out with and accountability. Now I'm with no friends to motivate me or accountability or even some one who is on the same route as me. I've gain 30 pounds on top of the 15 pounds I had left to lose. I've started to feel depressed about it and just want to turn on another leaf. I'll try to add some of you so if ya are in the same struggle or just wanna help this old lady out accept my request.
  • MrsDSnyder
    MrsDSnyder Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2020
    33 years old, I started my journey at 256lbs and currently I'm at 164lbs. I started my journey July 2018 (took about 6 months off last year and focused on maintaining after my mom passed away unexpectedly) I am focused and ready to lose the last 35lbs to reach my goal weight .