introducing Patti

Hi everyone, I am Patti! A 66 year old retired grandmother Farmer lady. I have tried every diet I could think of with some success from teen years to NOW; but always regained my weight. Weight Watchers, HCG, Atkins, the Grapefruit diet, the Military diet, Juicing with the Australian guy, Trim Healthy Mama, counting calories, Personal dietitians that sold me all these extra supplements guaranteed to do it!.....A year of counseling to try to find the UNDERRLYING cause of my weight problem, Green coffee capsules, Keto capsules, writing everything down when there was no cool apps to figure carbs, fat sugar,and everything else for you.....believe me, lots of hours looking up everything in books I had to buy. I know nutrition, I know how to cook right, I have the time....I just like sweets and munching in front of the TV at night. OK, so I bought this Women's tabloid type magazine that featured a 64 yr old lady that was successful by using your app and living within her limit of 1200 calories. So here I am, with a friend and my husband of 45 years,(what a great guy ) as my invited friends to support me. I need your encouragement and help, this online thing ....I pour over before and after stories, hoping something will click....I am Diabetic, with high blood pressure and a very low immune system, I have two titanium knees, have had 2 small strokes, one that landed me in the hospital for 3 days. I have an unused treadmill down stairs, and a free warm pool to walk in within 5 miles of my home. I live in COLD Alaska. I want this to work. Willpower? Not so much. Emotional eating, YEP.


  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    i am 66 years old also, I lost 40 lbs thru mfp so you can do it. Everyone is different, someone at the gym told me to eat 100 gr of carbs or less and I do this and it worked along with logging. Find your thing!
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    also very interesting the counselling, I quit argueing with my family which helped a lot. Cant change them. Did the counseling help?
  • ccfarmsllc
    ccfarmsllc Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you soooooooo much for talking with me. I was not sure my story even got posted! I typed it twice. after a year in counseling I did make a breakthrough personally to not take the blame for things out of my control and others bad immature behavior. It freed me a bit but did not really address my emotional triggers for eating. I have learned that God made me as I am and loves me as I am. The motivation for counting calories has to be health, living longer, more able to do things: instead of looking good, shopping, etc. I had 3 nearly good days this week with under my calorie limit, but I am having trouble balancing calories, carbs, protein and fats. I don't know how to hit them right? any tips?
  • krythie
    krythie Posts: 84 Member
    Check out the diabetes food hub, part of the American Diabetes Assn website. Just starting my journey...pre diabetic.