Need filling food ideas

I started a 1200 calorie eating plan on July 25th and have lost about 20 pounds. I plan to continue until I lose at least 56 more pounds. My question is I am always hungry. The food I am eating is healthy but I am not sure it is what my body needs to maintain good health while not feeling so hungry. I drink water but that is a short term fix. Any suggestions for specific meals? Thanks! Lee


  • lauraOOOO
    lauraOOOO Posts: 103 Member
    This isn't a full meal, but Greek Yogurt keeps me super full. Make sure you get the plain kind, as the protien content is way higher than the flavoured stuff. I mix in a little brown sugar and cinnamon to give it some taste/sweetness as it doesn't have the best taste on it's own.
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    Are you making sure you have protein which helps stave off hunger pangs? If you have celery add a little p.b. or if you have fruit add a little cheese. I find if I have a combo that includes protein I am much better. If I'm not watching my carbs I also eat air popped popcorn.
  • mmcbutterpants
    mmcbutterpants Posts: 16 Member
    lean protien and lots of fiber. green vegetables pack a lot of bulk for not too many calories.
    fat will keep you fuller longer but you want to be careful what fat and how much. add a few slices of avocado to your salad or some olives.
    carbs are good for quick energy and they're important but eating a diet mostly of carbs won't keep you as full as you want to be.
    Ronzoni smart taste pasta is fortified with fiber and protien and it tastes just like regular pasta.
  • bglitterbug
    bglitterbug Posts: 12 Member
    Research, do as much of it as you can - find the food lowest in calories so you can eat more, like white fish, you can eat 2 times more than chicken pork or lean beef, and you can pair it with things like grilled Zucchini or yellow Squash. Spaghetti Squash is only 45 cal for a cup, plus I always fill atleast half of my plate with good quality mixed greens, either make homeade dressing or use lemon. I found the trick was staying at 1200 calories and then finding as many foods that were so low I could eat a lot - I like to have a full belly at the end of meal.

    Also for lunch I use the Dempsters Body Wise Wraps, fill them with Veggies and fresh herbs and then one protein, either light cheese (I use the pre portioned skim milk cheese strings approx 60 cal per serving, mozzarella) Roma tomato, basil and spinach and press it in my George Foreman Grill. It's so fast and easy and then paired with a mixed greens (15 cal for 3 cups!!!) it's super low cal and I am full - for around 200 cal (inc salad and dressing with .5 tsp olive oil and vinegar and garlic... )

    I also think you MUST eat 6 smaller meals per day, never leaving more than a few hours between eating, this helps keep hunger at bay, and you don't spike your blood sugar. Also Oats for breakfast with 1/2 cup blueberries fills me in the am. :)


  • rebeccask
    I also was going to say plain greek yogurt. protein in general keeps me full longer, so try adding more protein to your meals? I make vegetarian taco salads about 1x or 2x a week and I substitute plain greek yogurt for sour cream.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    Are you making sure you have protein which helps stave off hunger pangs? If you have celery add a little p.b. or if you have fruit add a little cheese. I find if I have a combo that includes protein I am much better. If I'm not watching my carbs I also eat air popped popcorn.

    I agree with this. I often have some peanut butter with something (apple slices, bagel thin, rice cracker, etc...) or hummus with veggies. Right now I'm hard boiling some eggs so I can take one with me for a snack.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    1200 is really low. You should probably be able to continuing losing while eating more. I'd rather lose slightly slower and eat a lot more...

    But in general eat more protein, more fiber, and even some fat to help you feel full. I eat eggs instead of cereal for breakfast. I protein shake made with milk will keep me full for a long time. Whole wheat english muffins with butter are a good snack too.
  • Leegree
    Thank you all so much. This is exactly what I needed to stay on track. I know 1200 is low but a health issue is pushing me towards a more rapid weight loss and I want to keep the rest of the body healthy. Thanks again for all of your input, it is appreciated. Lee
  • bglitterbug
    bglitterbug Posts: 12 Member
    Also my go to for recipe ideas is the cooking light magazine, they have GREAT recipes, easy filling and they tell you exactly how much a serving is and how many calories per serving, I use this cook book and magazine 4-5 times a week!
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    I am a volume eater,

    I got some lists of foods ranking calories and fiber ranked, and went down the list noting which were my favorite:

    celery yes, eggplant no,

    I made this MY list,

    then I tried to make some combinations I liked,

    Fiber One cereal, almond milk, raspberries,

    lunch: recipe of finely chopped celery, FAGE yogurt, very low sodium tuna, on low sodium rice crackers, I can eat two whole piled on heaps of the tuna/celery mixture on each rice cracker,

    from my list it became apparent I can eat much more veg than anything else, and although it is not what I want It works,

    so I am making very good friends with tomatoes, egg whites and low sodium low fat cottage cheese
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I don't like the empty feeling either. Some lower cal things I found that keep me feeling full as part of a meal... cucumbers, spaghetti squash, yogurt w/ granola, oatmeal, apples, air popped popcorn and lots of salad greens. Go for 2-4 oz of protein at your meals & snacks. A big glass of water WHILE you eat helps too. If I go more than 3.5-4 hours without eatting something I tend to binge so I try to avoid that.
  • alliooops
    alliooops Posts: 87 Member
    How about some low cal soups - could help to fill you up even in between meals. I found some great recipes on Cook Yourself Thin and also the bbcgoodfood websites.
  • amie031182
    amie031182 Posts: 27 Member
    This is really helpful-good posts!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Protein works best for me..others might say fiber, especially from veggies.

    Try switching up your foods and meal sizes too. I went from eating hardly anything for breakfast and snacking all day to eating a bigger breakfast (at least 300 calories) and making sure I got lots of protein in that meal. It really helps me stay full, even to the point of being able to avoid snacking later in the day most of the time.
  • osucristina
    This is called a "Crack Wrap" from, it's a vegan site but I adapted it.

    fill a tortilla with your choice of hummus and a little bit cheese. roll like a burrito and toast on a skillet. I also make it as a panini- I can barely eat a whole one. It's so good.
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    watch the soups, they are usually packed with sodium and that sets up the sodium/fat/sugar spiral

    I wish there were a really good low sodium soup available
  • Leegree
    Yes it is, I am amazed that so many people will take the time to answer my question and in such detail. Thank you everyone! It is much appreciated and I am trying most of the recommendations except the Eggplant which is a ewww for me, lol.
  • december8teen
    Try eating food with low GI.

    Low GI Meals leave you FEELING FULLER LONGER, ease food cravings and provide you with greater and more sustained energy levels. If you’re looking to either lose weight, or maintain your existing weight, a low GI diet lifestyle is the perfect option. Also, if you find yourself lethargic, losing concentration, or experiencing mood swings an hour or so after eating, a change to low GI meals may show immediate benefits.

    In term of long terms health, Low GI Diets are important to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes or heart disease. However, if you’ve already been diagnosed with diabetes, low GI diets have been shown to improve both lipid and glucose levels, maintain more stable insulin levels and reduce insulin resistance, which is important in reducing the risk of long term diabetes-related complications.

    More and more health benefits associated with choosing a low glycemic index diet are constantly being realised, but the ones we’ve listed are certainly already impressive …

    -Control and stabilise your blood sugar levels
    -Raise your HDL (“good”) cholesterol
    -Lower your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels
    -Assist you with weight loss
    -Manage symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
    -Improve your body’s sensitivity to insulin
    -Lower your risk of type 2 diabetes
    -Lower your risk of heart disease
    -Improve your energy levels and general well-being

    You can search the list of food which is low in GI online. (:

    Hope this helps.

  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    eat every 2-3 hours and make sure you always have protein----especially if you are eating a carb. Never any processed carbs. What happens with carbs----they make our blood sugars spike and crash---which is what causes us to be hungry AND crave junk. So stick to lower carb foods such as fruits and veggies, and nonprocessed items. Whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread (no white flour).

    Good luck to you.
  • alliooops
    alliooops Posts: 87 Member
    watch the soups, they are usually packed with sodium and that sets up the sodium/fat/sugar spiral

    I wish there were a really good low sodium soup available

    Surely if you make your own soup then you can control the amount of sodium in it. Thai butternut squash is particularly rich in flavour but low in fat.